Saturday, August 31, 2019

Penultimate Show

I'm coming out of my Slough of Dispond, but it's still a work in progress. I wanted to get a card for my grandson, Mr. K. that would have lights and music and stuff. I was sure I had seen them at Wal-Mart and went there, but the choice was crappy, plus incredibly expensive: one was $11.95, but I wouldn't buy it, as it was entirely inappropriate for a six-year-old. I also refuse to buy cards (or any other merchandise) that feature "licensed characters." Why the hell should children be Disneyfied, just so these f--king corporations can make more money? I honestly think one of the major reasons our culture has sunk so low is because kids are exposed to this kiddie-crapola.
Yeah, that's the mood I'm in. I drove to Target at the mall, thinking they'd have a better selection (they didn't; it was just as abysmal) and you have to make a left hand turn there. I came to it after the arrow and there were a lot of cars going the other way. Naturally, I waited to turn and damned if the guy behind me didn't start blowing his horn! Well, what I blew was my TOP and I yelled at him though the mirror--I hope he got it.
Got the card there, but just an ordinary one that cost only as much as we used to spend on the gift. Filled it out at home and drove to the post office to mail it. I then realized that Mr. K.'s parents anniversary is the day after--September 10. All right, I'll get a card tomorrow and send it.
I had forgotten to mention earlier that I've awakened the last two night with a terrific inch around my left ankle. I don't see anything like an insect bite there--besides, there are no insects in California--and I think it's just from nerves or something. Bought some anti-itch cream and applied it.
The show, our second-to-last, went well, although G.'s performance, as usual, was lackluster. The audience was great; as we had almost every other night, we had a full house and they were enthusiastic and appreciative. We close tonight--SOB! 

Friday, August 30, 2019


For some reason, I was feeling emotionally low yesterday. Maybe it had something to do with the decision to sell the car--not sure. As to that, I spent most of the morning making up a sell sheet, which I'll give to people I know. Guess I'll go to Craig's List after that.
I went out for tissues and a few other things in the morning, then to WinCo after lunch for fajitas, spaghetti squash, and spinach. Stella called from the botanic garden, to tell me she was going to the show tonight or tomorrow. If she actually does, I'll be surprised. I was tempted to ask if she wanted to meet for lunch, but she can be tedious and since I just saw her the other day, I didn't.
Texted Ellen to see if she was free for dinner, but she's still swamped at work, plus Greg was off last evening. However, I perked up when she called me from the car wash and we might be able to get together on Saturday afternoon. Our last show is that night at 8:00. Dinner, then I took a drive. Thought I'd scout out Jeff and Shannon's house, where our cast party will be on Sunday. It's on Hill Drive, which as the address suggests, is on a rise and has a great view.
T.O.P.S. this morning and if I gained more, it'll be a real downer. I just haven't been as conscientious lately as I should be and I must change that.

Thursday, August 29, 2019


So-o-o, a quick rundown of Wednesday: I did not one, but two loads of wash after breakfast, all my clothes that needed it and the bathroom rugs separately. I found a notice on my door to the effect that management would be in today between 9 and 5 to "inspect." That didn't' bother me, as they've done this before; they just check the outlets and so on. I assume that if you're dealing drugs or something, it might be a problem, but it's okay by me. Incidentally, Ellen called in between class and meetings to ask about it. One of her colleagues lives here and wondered why management would do this. I put her mind at ease--it's no problem.
In between the wash, I dry-mopped, then wet-mopped (with Bona) the hard floors and shined up the stainless steel double sinks. Dusted a bit, too, and the place looks pretty good. Nancy called twice, first to tell me Carolyn wasn't coming, then to say she was. We had a good talk otherwise, too.
After lunch, I showered, then left for The Blue Agave and my Happy Hour pals. I had the quesadillas, which were really good--I like them even better than their street tacos--and a Chief Peak. We had such a good time and talked so long, I actually had a second beer, unusual for me.
Caught the bus home and got in about 7:00. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Telephone And Tilapia

Well, it was a telephone day and not all enjoyable ones. I spent hours--that's not an exaggeration--on the phone with the DMV and AAA. There were innumerable pressing of this and that, switching back and forth, hopping from here to there, but the upshot is that the point for my accident stays on for three years and will result in an additional three thousand bucks a year. So-o-o, I'm definitely selling my car.
I had intended to months ago, but tentatively shelved that when I thought my insurance wouldn't go up. When I got the role in American Roadhouse, I wanted to drive back and forth to rehearsals and so on. However, this is the best impetus I could have--money--so I'm definitely going to do it.
Betty called from Chicago and we talked. Brother Larry and his daughter, Karen, called from Miami and we had a good long talk. They're planning a trip to Japan next year (they went to China last and to middle eastern Europe this) and I told them to keep me posted, as I may very well go with them. Stella called, asking if I'd like to meet her at the new brewery, Topa Topa, at 5:00. I was tempted, but considering I had planned to have the tilapia Monday and had deferred to meet her, I declined.
I emailed Nancy, Carolyn B., and Nancy, suggesting we go to The Blue Agave for Happy Hour today. Since I was just there on Monday, I don't know why I suggested it, but why not? We can sit on the patio and the street tacos are good.
I cored, seasoned, and put five apples in the slow cooker, so I was late taking the bus to town. Walked the Main to Promanade loop, anyway and got home shortly before 6:00. Ellen called to thank me for selling her small fridge and we chatted a bit. She was just on her way home from school, although it was that late. I asked her to call me today or tomorrow to tell me more about her class and so on.
Finally had the tilapia--delish!--with fresh spinach, a leftover baked onion, and half an acorn squash. I had one of the apples later, with Frasier and blueberries.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Blue Agave

Much as I love being in the show, it was enjoyable to resume my old active life yesterday. After breakfast, I drove to the DMV and, reconciled to spending hours there, was pleasantly surprised when I was taken within a few minutes. The issue is that the court seems to have failed to notify my insurance company that I had successfully complete Traffic School, so a point hadn't been expunged from my record. I was given a phone number to call, which I tried over and over with no luck. I finally got somebody who provided another number; called that to be told they had such I high volume, I should call later--AAGH! They never did yesterday, so I'll have to try back today.
Anyway, I did walk from the DMV to Winco, about a mile there and back and I was happy to get that in. Bought some nice pieces of fresh tilapia and planned to have one for dinner. (However, see later.)
Had my big salad lunch, then left for the bus to town. Got off at the library, read for a bit, then walked down to the mission. At that point, Stella called to ask if I wanted to meet her and her friend, Robin, at the Blue Agave at 5:00. I instantly decided to save the tilapia for tonight, and agreed to meet them there, which I did.
Stella and I got there first, then Robin came with two companions: her friend, Billy (but not The Kid, he's 71), and Susie, her 90-pound golden retriever. I've met Susie before and she's actually a very well-behaved and attractive bow-wow.
We had our tacos, beer, and wine, and chatted for an hour or so, then I took my leave. I shouldn't admit it, but I made up a story that I had my neighbor coming over at 7:00. Not so, but I just can't stand to sit for hours, especially in a restaurant. Anyway, got home about 7:15.
Enjoyed the day except for the insurance thing, but I'll tackle that again in a few hours.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Another Good One

Slept until 8:00 and no wonder, as I didn't get home until 11:00 and to bed until midnight. Was able to go out for romaine and blueberries. Had an early lunch, then left for production photos at Vineyard, as the call for at 2:30.
There was a whole bunch of waiting around while casts of other plays and the band were photographed. Also, one of our cast members was late, which meant our photos had to be postponed and I think they were rushed because we were so close to opening the doors.
Diane showed up about 3:30, as that's when the van dropped her off. She also came in the wrong door, so I just had her seated in an anteroom to wait; when the doors opened, Alex escorted her to a table, as cast members can't be seen before we go on.
When the doors opened, Diane was joined by Carolyn and Nancy--my Happy Hour buddies--and Sharon and Carolyn from T.O.P.S. were also there. I enjoyed talked to them after and they all loved the show.  Our "Welcome Home" went very well, but it was a long day, being there for five hours. However, I got home at 7:30 and now we have three days off. 
My niece recorded our part and, for better or worse--I cringe when I see myself on video--here it is:

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Best Yet

In light of my unwanted weight gain, I'm going to rethink some of my routine. I had my regular breakfast, but ate lunch a half hour early and had a radically different one from my usual huge salad. Instead,I stir-fried ground turkey and onions. Stopped at the Hill Street Library after getting a few things from Wal-Mart and picked up an Elizabeth George novel and a curious little book on Stranger Things.
Took the bus into town and went to the library to return Magic. There, I ran into Ben, who plays my granddaughter's husband in the play. He told me he was just printing out his script for a play about homeless people who start running a---something or other, can't remember what. I immediately asked him if there was an old lady part in it and he said there definitely was, and I was hired. We'll see--I don't know yet what it's about or if it's even feasible to be in it, but I'm definitely interested. I also mentioned my own scripts and he wants to see them. Home and I had a bite, then showered, changed, and left for the show.
Last night was the best ever! It went so smoothly, it was a joy and the audience was incredibly responsive and appreciative. After our finale (the whole cast of forty or so singing and gyrating on the stage), we mingled and right up front were niece and her family:  Carolyn, Dana, Finn, and Claire. They also brought their friends, Girl Dana and her husband, Tom, plus Claire's friend, Leila. They were lavish in their praise and how much they liked the show. I had asked Carolyn to record part of our piece, which she did, but I then found out one of the tech guys was videoing the whole thing and will share it--yay!
I didn't get home until 11:00 and to bed until midnight, but it was worth the horrendous hours. Today, we have a 2:30 call because we're doing production shots, then the show at 5:00, so it's virtually all day. Diane, Nancy, and Carolyn B. will be there and I know the T.O.P.S. Carolyn and others are coming, but I'm not sure if today or next weekend.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

T.O.P.S., A Fridge, And A Slip

Went to T.O.P.S. and was not surprised that I had a significant gain of three pounds. Weighed in at 133.2, 'way past my desired window of 125 to 130. I think I know why: because I haven't been walking lately. I could  blame the show for that, but that's bogus; there's no reason why I can't walk in the morning or afternoon. The other thing is, I've been skipping dinner in favor of having something after I get home from rehearsal or the show. The blueberries are okay, but the grapes and rice cakes (often with butter spray and parm on them) are not. Okay, I'll reform myself, at least to an extent.
The meeting itself was a worse drag even than usual. Not-my-niece-and-not happy-hour-Carolyn held forth on all kinds of non-weight-related topics, such as her dog's illness and I'm beginning to seriously consider dropping out. There were only five in attendance yesterday and last week; that sends a message, it seems to me.
Later, I was back and forth via text with Ellen and not-my-niece-but-happy-hour-Carolyn, who had asked about the small refrigerator El was selling. Since El and Greg were working, the upshot was that I drove over to show it to Carolyn and her son, (also Greg!). He's leaving tomorrow to attend college in Northridge and, after staying to chat for a bit, they bought it.
Didn't get home until almost 3:00, at which point I made lunch and opened the mail. AAGH! There was a communication from AAA, saying my premium was going way up. Called them and found DMV had never informed them that my suspension was lifted. Now I have to go over there on Monday to straighten it out.
Showered and dressed for the show--we were to be there at 6:30, although our piece doesn't come on until an hour into the show. This was our fourth show and one would think it would run smoothly. However, it didn't in spots and I've seen this before. I'm not sure if it's an over confidence or what, but often, a few runs in, this kind of thing happens. Gwen,* Amanda, and I all had some stumbles. Amanda simply had some problems with timing, unusual for her, but Gwen's slips were more serious. She's 65, has the fewest lines--really no more than a page worth--and has never acted before.  (And frankly, Meryl Streep has nothing to worry about.)  She noticeably hesitated before delivering several lines and worse, forgot my cue intro ("My baby made a baby!") for one of my funniest lines ("It really makes you wonder about death, doesn't it?") That may not sound funny, but in context, it is. Last night, alas, the rest of the cast had to cover and I didn't get to say it.
As for me: I have four soliloquies I deliver directly to the audience while I'm spotlighted and the rest of the cast "freezes." To my horror, I realized that with the third, I was delivering the first few sentences of the second. I was able to segue into the right one, though, without a break. What's more, when I asked the other five in the play if they had noticed the slip, nobody had. Even better, Shannon, who wrote the play and was in the back, didn't notice, either. Hey, that meant that the audience, who had never seen it before, didn't pick it up, either, and that's all that matters.
*Gwen, 65, a recently retired teacher, is the oldest in our play next to me; the others are in their twenties and thirties. In the whole company of about forty, there are only three others in their seventies: Ken and Ben, plus Susan and Greg, a married couple. The writers and directors, Jeff and Shannon, are in their late forties and those in the band and tech end look to be in their thirties and younger. It's sometimes a challenge to keep up the pace, but I find it wonderfully stimulating to be with younger people and am so pleased to be casually received by them.   

Friday, August 23, 2019

This, That, And Pat

Yesterday was the tenth anniversary of Pat's death. It's odd that I didn't think to write it here, although I put it on Facebook. Here we are in Boca Raton a few years before we were married. It still annoys me that I didn't wear a strapless bra!
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling
This and that in the morning. Changed the bed, did a load of wash, and went to the mall. I'd like to get our stage managers, Jen and Alex, little gifts, maybe with "American Roadhouse 2019" engraved on them. I looked at the kiosk "Personalize It," for possibilities.
Home, lunched, and fooled around with this and that. Watered my garden and was thrilled to see my larger tomatoes are now turning red; geez, it seemed to take them so long, I thought maybe they were peppers. Suzanne was in her adjoining patio and came over to see them, then stayed to chat for a bit.
Called Yandoo maytheyrotinhell and got the t.v. working again, showered, changed, and left for 6:30 rehearsal.
This consisted of just the play casts, no band, lighting, or sound. It went okay--maybe a little ragged in spots, as it's hard to be "up" after performing with all systems go and, especially, with a paying audience. Those not on comprised the audience and, after you've seen something so many times, it's hard to be as engaged. That's why, with a real performance, it's so gratifying--and even startling--to hear the laughs and other reactions; comes as a shock. Driving to rehearsal, I got a call from Ellen and later, from New Mexico; just had time to talk a few minutes.
Home before 9:00.  Niece Carolyn called and we had good long talk. Her entourage of five, coming from Santa Barbara, have tickets for tomorrow night. I was so pleased when she said Robyn, Steve, and Dexter enjoyed it a lot; Robyn also complimented me on my performance.
Now it's 7:00 am and I'll be off to T.O.P.S. at 8:30. I'm pretty sure I've gained, as for one thing, I haven't been walking nearly as much, and for another, I've been eating blueberries, grapes, and rice cakes at night. Having to be at the show at 6:30 has thrown me off my schedule, but I'm pretty confident I'll be able to get back on after next weekend. 

Thursday, August 22, 2019


Just the usual in the morning. The big news is that I switched my black, 46-inch shoe laces in my sneaks for 36-inch white ones--whee-e-e!'
Suzanne had left at my door information on a "Readers Theatre" group,  which recites stories at elementary schools--gratis, of course. I called the woman listed and we had a long conversation. It seems they'll have an initial meeting in September, which I want to attend. I may or may not decide to join, but I want to learn more.
Finally and at long last, I cleaned up a lot of the paper work I had hanging around; damn, I'd love to have a secretary or something to do that for me--fat chance.
Left after lunch for Happy Hour and met my pals, Nancy, Diane, and Carolyn, at Fluid State at 3:00. It turns out all of us prefer a meet time of 4:00, but we somehow got mixed up about it. From here on in, I hope and expect we'll go to 4:00. It was good fun, as usual, and we were there for more than an hour.  Carolyn's son is about to leave for Northridge (college) and asked what Ellen might want for the small refrigerator she bought before she got the new one. I texted her and heard back fifty bucks, which I let Carolyn know.
After, I hopped on the bus to arrive home at 6:00. Called Ellen to ask how the fridge was doing--considering how much it cost, it should be singing and dancing--and how her new class looks. Found an email this morning to say school was to start in two minutes.
Pickup rehearsal at 6:30 and tomorrow, we go on again, I'm happy to contemplate.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Food And A Fridge

I seem to spend half my time grocery shopping, but I guess that goes with eating mostly non-processed food, vegetables and fruit. Went to WinCo and other places before lunch.
I had told El I'd get over to her house by 3:00 to receive the new fridge. As I was driving there, she called to say Lowe's had called to say it would be delivered in ten minutes. What? I was at least twenty minutes away, damn it. However, they had waited, so they were there when I arrived.
They took out the old piece of crap (an LG; never buy one) and put in the new. I asked them to hook up the hose for the ice and water, which they did. However, when they plugged it in, it didn't go on. Why? Because the electricity as off, due to the Pacific Electric working outside. Okay, that would be remedied later.
I thought it was odd there were only little nubs on both doors (the fridge is a large side by side), but the men explained that the handles were inside; they then left. There was also a heavy, shrink wrap covering, which was very hard--in fact, impossible--for me to get off. I was alarmed when Sebastian started chewing on it--he could easily have bitten off a piece and choked on it. Anyway, I called El and she was alarmed that the men hadn't put the handles on and taken the plastic  off. She called Lowe's and yes, that was part of the setup; she was told they'd be back and there were in about a half hour, at which point, they completed the job.
But sonofabitch! Why hadn't they done it in the first place? BTW, Ellen had left a twenty-dollar bill (if they had refused to hook up the hose, saying it wasn't part of the setup, I was to offer them that on the side) and I had been tempted to give it to them as a tip. (I do tip people who deliver things; most of them work hard and deserve it.) However, I didn't and considering they were going to just leave the fridge as it was, I was glad I hadn't.
Anyway, it's in, it works, and I hope that'll be the end of Ellen's household woes. I fed Sebastian, then left about 5:15, got home, and settled in for the night.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Walking And Widder Dinner

Slept well and got up at 6:00. I toyed with the idea of walking Kimball, but decided not.
After breakfast, I went to WinCo for apples and a few other things. I didn't feel like taking the time and effort to make apple sauce, so thought I'd try something: I cored seven apples and put them, with Sevia, cinnamon, and water in the slow cooker.
I emailed my three cohorts to see if they might be able to do Happy Hour tomorrow and yes, they were agreeable, so we'll meet at Fluid State at 3:00. Had lunch, then left for town on the bus. I dropped a book off, then saw they had William Goldman's Magic, on which the movie of the same name is loosely based. Read a few pages, then left to walk to The Promenade. It was good to hear the waves coming in and I happened to meet Gwen, who plays my daughter in the play, and her husband. We chatted for a bit, then I went on. Did the Main Street loop back to the library, glad to have gotten it in.
Ellen called while I was riding the bus home. She bought a new refrigerator and it will be delivered today between 3 and 7 when she's in school and Greg's at work, could I be there? Luckily, I have no commitments today, so sure, I'll be glad to.
The apples turned out great in the slow cooker, which I had left on "low" while I was out. Tidied up a bit, then left for the Stonefire Grille and the widder dinner. Took the bus to Victoria and walked the rest of the way.
There were just ten of us there, including Nancy and Carolyn, and we had a quiet, but pleasant, time.
After, I felt like walking some more and went the mile or so to Victoria. At that point, I was going to take the bus up to Telegraph, but decided the hell with and walked home. That means my walk total was roughly four miles and I was happy about that.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Third Time's A Charm

After breakfast and the Sunday routine, I stocked up on a shi-- a carload of produce. Also bought two big chicken thigh pieces; seasoned and roasted them, then wrapped and froze for a later dinner. Transferred onto my phone a cast picture of Steel Magnolias and a pic of my niece-in-law and Andrew Lang (she and nephew David had hosted a gathering for him in New Hampshire.) Showered, washed my hair, got into my stage outfit, and left for our 3:30 call for the 5:00 show.
As usual, we had a lot of down time. Sat, roamed around, chatted, and conferred with Jeff and the stage managers about my still somewhat  problematic entrance. Jen put reflecting tape on the "black box" I sit on and that helped to an extent, but isn't perfect yet.
However, our third performance just about was: The audience was wonderfully engaged and enthusiastic and our part came off beautifully. We're now hitting our stride, I think, and this points up how limited our companies were in Jersey. Because we usually did only three nights (Hedda Gabbler was the sole exception for me; that ran for two weekends), we didn't really have a chance to get as deeply into it.
Showed Gwen the pic of niece Polly and Yang and 11-year-old Hudson the one of Gaten M.'s mother and me in Magnolias. We then started chatting and I discovered he's a nice kid. Later, his mother, Shannon, Jeff's wife, talked to me about their concern for Hudson: He wants to audition for parts in, you might say, the great world--we're a hop, skip, and a jump from L.A. and Hollywood--and they're hesitant, as any parents would be, that the show biz thing will turn out to be a disappointment or worse for him. Shannon said she's like to talk to me about this when we have more time.
Home by 7:30--what a thrill, it was still daylight!--and I found a text from Suzanne, saying she had enjoyed the show. I rang her bell and she said she had been there, but had left at intermission. I don't blame her--it's a long show and I've been known to do the same at some affairs--but I was happy to hear how much she liked it. I was amused to hear her say she hadn't realized I had "such a big part." Heavens, this was nothing; I've been in many full plays, including, say, Night Must Fall, during which I  was on-stage every minute until the end of act three (of four.) Happily, I was then murdered, always a fun thing.
Goodness, we now have three days off, a real bonanza. Jeff wants us back at 2:30 on Thursday for a run-through to gear up for next weekend, but sans costumes and props. I have the widder dinner tonight and I think I'll see if my pals can meet for Happy Hour tomorrow or Wednesday; I also need to do a wash and a few other things.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Great Show

I finally got at least a minor walk in: took a bus to town after lunch, got off at the library and walked down Main to the mission. That's maybe a mile--far from adequate, but at least it was something. Instead of my usual huge salad, I pan-fried the "extra-jumbo shrimp" for lunch, added most of a bag of fresh spinach (I steam it in the microwave), and had that. It was good and should hold me until I get home, which will be close to 11:00, I figure.
Got a text from Betty's DIL, Robyn, asking where they could have dinner before the show; I wrote back a few suggestions. She, Stephen, their 12-year-old, Dexter, and Betty will be there tonight. Note: that means I'm actually writing this and the preceding on Saturday afternoon. I usually do it this way, then top it off in the morning.
And now it's morning and WOW--did we have a show last night! As these things sometimes do, everything seemed to click. Opening night had been okay, but we needed to increase our volume and there were a few little snags here and there. Last night, we hit our stride: Everybody seemed to be at top form and it was wonderful fun. The only thing we have to avoid now is assuming we can just rest on our laurels (Jeez, all my metaphors seems to come out of the seventeenth century) and allowing the quality to fade.
After, Betty, Steve, Robyn, and Dex congratulated me and told me how much they liked the show. I introduced them to a lot of the company, including Jeff, Vera, and others. I was surprised to see it was only 10:45 when we finished--as usual, it seemed like the middle of the night.
I stayed up with my blueberries and whatever-I-watched-on-TV until midnight, slept soundly all night, and am looking forward to what passes as a matinee int these parts: our 5:00 pm show.
Here's some idea of the great transforming of a huge room into an "American Roadhouse"; sorry about my not-very-good photo skills and cheap Cricket phone: 
Image may contain: indoorImage may contain: one or more people and indoor

Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting and indoor

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Opening Night!

At T.O.P.S., I weighed in at 130.7, a slight gain, but not a full pound up. There were only five of us there; Lolly had brought in a long article from the L.A. Times on a study about processed foods and how it contributes to obesity.  I think this has been known for some time, but this was a rigorous, peer-reviewed study, to carries more weight (certainly to me) than anecdotal "evidence." Anyway, Lolly gave it to me and I'll read it more closely.
The rest of the afternoon I did some food prep--made up a batch of my roasted tomatoes/onions/garlic and seasonings and just hung out, practicing my lines over and over. Nervous? Why, of course--I can't imagine any actor who isn't nervous to some degree before a performance.
I was happy to get a call from my brother, Jim, thanking me for the puzzle books I sent him. He sounded a little less confused than he did right after surgery. He said his son and son-in-law are "walking him" pretty often. He finds that tiring, but doesn't object. A therapist (or some kind of helper) is coming in to help tomorrow. Talked to my sister-in-law, also.
Walked over to Von's for a few things, including raw "extra jumbo shrimp." These are pretty big, all right--pretty soon, shrimp will be as big as chicken legs. I thought I'd have some before I left for the show, but I didn't feel hungry. Showered and got in my stage duds and left for the show.
It was a smash hit! The place looked terrific at its end-stage decoration, which included round tables for four or six with checkered table cloths and battery-operated candles. It was a drag, as ever, sitting around until our thing went on, but tolerable. We did well, although Shannon said after that some of us, including me, had a volume problem. However, six of my people, including Ellen and Greg, were in the audience and when I asked them, they said they could hear me fine. I will, though, consciously  increase my volume tonight. Getting on and off stage darkness was still a problem, but I'm going to see if I can enter from the opposite side.
Vera was there, dressed like a very tall--she's over six feet--barmaid, with pigtails, short shorts, and shoe boots. (She sells the beer and wine behind the bar.) We hugged happily and chatted. I'll see her tonight again and then on Monday for our regular widder dinner.
El came backstage (which is a whole large area, including two dressing rooms and a lounge). She and Greg left after our play, which precedes intermission, but said it was good. After the show, we mingled and I saw Lora from T.O.P.S. and another woman, who used to attend and whose name I can't remember, plus their husbands. Talked to them for a bit, then left. Home after 10 and I'm not even sure when I got to bed.
Anyway, the ice is broken and I'm looking forward to tonight's show.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Dress Rehearsal Three

Up again after 7:30 and didn't have breakfast until 9:00. Went to a few stores for red lipstick, blueberries, bleach,* and vinegar.* I also bought from the deli at WinCo, a half pound of cashew raspberry chicken salad to eat at rehearsal. I really didn't do much otherwise aside from computer stuff and some food prep.
Our last rehearsal: Arrived at 6:00 and didn't get home until 10:00. It went well--as usual with equal parts great fun and hours of tedium. The "theatre" is shaping up wonderfully, now looking more and more like a speakeasy, with lighted beer signs, the front part of a Ford pickup, and various other honky-tonk items on the wall.
One of the other plays includes a young woman named Meredith Newcom, who is an artist. While we were sitting around waiting to go on last night, she was painting in a little notebook. I asked to see what she did and wow! Here's her web site, which I asked her to send me: and some of her works follow. (The rabbit is not a painting, but is a wall hanging made of some kind of wool technique.)
darwin newcom 4 2013 950hWinston ChurchillLostUnlucky for Some
We open tonight at eight p.m.!
* Every once in a while, I clean the coffee maker by adding a cup of vinegar to about ten of water. I run it though, then do two "flushes" of plain water. I did that yesterday morning and thought little  of it--until I realized I had accidentally used bleach instead of vinegar. (I don't even want to contemplate how I could have done that.)  I didn't know if the two water flushes would have gotten rid of the bleach and I immediately went to the vinegar routine. Even so, I wanted to be sure, so I called one of those "ask the doctor" sites (can't remember which one). In the chat box, I explained the situation, then got a response from a "doctor's assistant," asking what my symptoms are and did I take medication for it? WHAT? Clearly, she hadn't read what I wrote and I responded snippily and checked out. I then called Poison Control; interestingly, I got the New Jersey one, as my cell number is still listed as being in Jersey. I explained everything to a very nice woman, who listened carefully, asked questions, and after thoroughly understanding the situation, assured me there would be no danger of being poisoned by the bleach. 

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Dress Rehearsal Two

As noted, up at 7:20. After coffee, I showered and washed my hair. Yes, I had gone to bed with the grey/white spray in it; just couldn't face staying up any later. Interestingly, it didn't seem to rub off on the pillow case, although I changed them anyway. 
I had asked Jeff if I could skip the spray and just wear my regular hair and he agreed. Called Penney's early to see if I could get an appointment with Mary, my regular, before we open. Happily, she was available at noon yesterday and I took that. She colored, cut, and styled and it looks okay, but I may wash it before Friday night and just wear it simply; either way, I'm relieved I got it out of the way.
Home for lunch, then to Dollar Tree to get a small flashlight. My outfit includes a kind of long vest with pockets and I want to have it in there. To get on stage, it's sometimes pretty dark and I want to be prepared.
Called Ellen, who was prepping at school. I was delighted to hear she and Greg had gotten tickets for Friday, opening night. Later, I spoke to Diane, who said she, Nancy, and Carolyn are going to the 5:00 show on the 25th, when we close. I figured up and so far, I think I have twenty family and friends who are going to attend--yay! Considering tickets are sixteen bucks a pop, I'm surprised and grateful.
 Image may contain: 28 people, including Amanda Flores, Shannon McNally Ham, Anthony Contreras and Erica Connell, people smiling
Here are the cast and crew head shots; yes, it's a big undertaking.
Got to rehearsal at 6;30. It occurred to me that I've never been in a show before that had more than one dress rehearsal. In Little Egg, we would sometimes allow family and friends to come to it if for some reason, they had to miss the "official" performances.
It went well and I actually got home a few minutes before 10. Ate my blueberries and watched an episode of Forensic Files before turning in.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Dress Rehearsal

Got up on Tuesday at what has become my usual: 6:30. I really prefer an hour earlier wake-up, so I might start setting my alarm, but probably not until after the run of the show.*
Speaking of which, I stupidly cut with scissors the packaging eyeglass holder and managed to cut right through the beads. Went to Dollar Tree to buy another and picked up a lot of makeup while there. At WinCo, I bought spinach, blueberries, and other produce, then went home for lunch.
Betty called; she said Pat Kennedy Hayes was coming to visit today, I think just overnight. I asked if her party had gotten tickets yet for the show and suggested they better do it soon, as one of them was almost sold out. Got a text from niece-in-law, Robyn, asking if I could get Betty into the show if tht happens. I think I can, but suggested they buy theirs as soon as possible.
Put a load of wash in, then had lunch in between putting it in the dryer. I just fooled around on the laptop before I showered and got into my outfit for dress rehearsal.
Yoicks, what a session!  It was called for 6:00 and we sat around, as usual, until about 7:20 while more tech stuff and other details got done. The full run wasn't finished until after 10:00 and I didn't get home until 10:30.  I had sprayed some of my hair, but was worried about getting the damn stuff in my eyes, so took it with me and Kat sprayed more. I'm not going to use it, though: The white doesn't seem to cover and the grey is too dark, plus it just seems to sit on top and it's matted. I'm going to see if I can get my regular color and cut before the show. After all, the woman is supposed to be my age (actually, somewhat younger) and there's no reason why she wouldn't color her hair. Also, I don't feature having to stay up to wash my hair every night after the show.
Betty's daughter-in-law just texted to let me know they have tickets for four, including Betty, for Saturday night. Also got an email from Lora, of T.O.P.S., to say five of them are coming.
*Ha! Right now, on Wednesday, it's 7:21 and I just got up. Late night last night!

Tuesday, August 13, 2019


Much as I enjoy rehearsals, it was really grueling on Sunday, so it was good to have yesterday off. After breakfast, I food-prepped: cut up six big onions, chopping some for dinner and marianading the rest, then putting them in my clay onion baker.  I did the same with two garlic heads, added olive oil, and baked them in the clay garlic baker, along with the onions.
After lunch, I walked to the bus stop; I've been so involved with the show, I haven't been walking as much. At the same time, I'm too busy to eat a lot, too, so I guess it evens out. Met a man at the bus stop and we chatted; his name is Brad. I gave him some advice on registering for some housing help. He's not homeless, but he thinks his landlord is planning to have him leave. Poor guy is 68, had worked all his life, but lost his job and hasn't been able to get another in two years. I guess he's just another of the throw-away people that we--well, throw away.
Stopped at the library to leave a book and to ask if I could put up a poster for the show. Sure thing, and my pal, whats-his-name, posted it. This guy is just the quintessential librarian: about 45, I guess, serious minded, seemingly studious, and with curly hair. (I do think that last is a  prerequisite for librarians.) 
Walked down Main and stopped in a store to buy a new pancake turner; my old one is about to give up the ghost. I don't eat pancakes, but I use these constantly for other food. Hopped the bus home and drove to Wal-Mart for a glasses holder for the show and some puzzle books for brother, Jim. To my annoyance, they didn't have either, but I ran into Becky from the show and she said she got her glasses holder at Dollar Tree. I zipped there and both the things I wanted.
While I was there, Stella called to ask if I wanted to see Pavarotti--in Oxnard at 6:00 pm.  Well, I would, but it was already 5:30, so no thanks. 
Dress rehearsal at 6:00 tonight.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Full Run

Slept well, I'm glad to report. Saw an email from Jen, one of the stage managers, saying our rehearsal start was switched from 2 to 3--great, as it's written in to last until 8.
Did my Sunday things, then drove off to get blueberries, cherries, onions, and mushrooms. I wanted to get my brother some kind of puzzle book, but found none in Target, where I went. I also looked for a blouse to wear in the show, but saw nothing I wanted. I then drove to The Coalition in town and found one that will do--if Jeff approves it, that is.
Saw a poster in a restaurant window and asked if I could add the one for American Roadhouse. Yes, I could, and they were kind enough to put it on their bulletin board. Stopped at the library to ask them the same, but it was only 11:00 and they don't open until 1:00 on Sundays. Will try to get there tomorrow.
After lunch, I took a first attempt to spray my hair white. It actually isn't hard, but I didn't realize the stuff just kind of sits on the top; it's not supposed to be combed through. I showered and washed it out, pleased to see the shampoo took care of it. 
Got to rehearsal at 3 and, yes, indeed, we were there until 8. One of the other plays was still being tweaked for lighting and it was almost 5 before we finally ran the whole show. We spent some time on what would have been "the curtain call," except we have no curtain. The large cast all comes out, shorter ones in front (that's me, folks), then sort of clap and sway while the band plays; we bow, then acknowledge the band and the light people, and that's it.
Things went okay, with just a few dropped lines from one or two others. My only problem was when I stand to address the audience at the end of our play: The stage manager had taped an "X" where I'm supposed to be when I get up, but with my slight balance problem, I suddenly felt uneasy, so stood in place and put my hand on a prop. I knew Jeff wasn't thrilled about this and I approached him afterward to tell him I'd widen my stance, which should take care of it.
We have a day off today and dress rehearsal tomorrow. I asked stage manager, Kat, to put the white spray in my hair then and she agreed.
Four more days to showtime!

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Rehearsal Weekend

Friday: Did various chores and errands, then got to El's at 4:00. She had a humongous amount of stuff for the yard sale, including big-ticket items, such as an outdoor vacuum, a leaf blower, an almost-new  indoor vacuum, and a Shark floor cleaner. I hadn't had time to accumulate much; just brought what I already had in my trunk: two decorative pillows, a suitcase, some CDs, and a kitchen rug.
El and I went to Sea Fresh for dinner.  I decided, because of my iron problem, that I would order meat and had a rare hamburger--boy, was it good. I hadn't had red meat for about six months. We then met Greg, who had been in San Luis Obisbo, at the Hip Vegan, his favorite restaurant. Didn't get back to El's until almost 9, and I soon went to bed. Slept soundly all night, which I haven't been doing lately.
Saturday: I had set the alarm for 6:30, got up then, and had my coffee and dressed, after which Greg and I took the sale items out to the front. It was scheduled for 8:00, but of course, people descended on us immediately. I stayed until Ellen got dressed, then left for rehearsal, which was called for 10.
Went directly there and found out head shots were being taken; I hadn't seen Jeff's email about that and hadn't prepared. It turned out we had a "lunch break" from 3:30 to 5:00, though, and I was able to change and put on some makeup at home to have it done when I got back.
Wow, it was a long, long day. Tech day always is, while the lighting, music, and sound effects are set up. (We finally have an actual crying baby in our play, instead of stage director, Alex, going "wah, wah, wah").
The tech part is much more intricate here than it was for the other companies where I've preformed,  because the show is such a mix of live band, short plays, and short vignettes. Our play, "Welcome Home" wasn't even gotten to until we got back at 5:00 and it took an hour and a half. We didn't even run through the whole thing, just segments. Several times, I had to repeat my four soliloquies when I address the audience directly while the lighting guy spotlighted me to Jeff's satisfaction. Of course, the general lighting took an age to set up, too.
Anyway, it was a full day and--as these things always are--equal parts tedium and fun. However, we were released at 7:30, a half hour early and I got to relax with blueberries and Ted Bundy (How It Really Happened on TV), as they don't run Frasier on weekends.  El called to tell me almost everything she had was sold and she was going to pack up the rest for the thrift store. As for my stuff, most was sold while I was still there, and the rest after I had left.
Today, rehearsal call is for 3 to 8.

Friday, August 09, 2019

H.H. And Rehearsal

Changed the sheets, washed them and clothes, went to the post office to send Mike's letter and a little something for Mr. K., my grandson in Tokyo. Rehearsed my lines several times, showered, changed, and got the bus for town about 2:00. Met my three cohorts at 3:00 at Cafe Fiore and had a good Happy Hour--a personal pizza and a cold brew.
Stayed until a little after 4:00, then hopped the bus for home. On the way, Betty called to say she, Steve, and Robyn would attend the 5:00 show on Saturday. I then realized  I had accidentally told Carolyn there'll be a 5:00 each day, but they're only on Sundays. Fridays and Saturdays, the show starts at 8:00. I hastily called Carolyn, then texted Robyn the correction.
Rehearsal at 6:30. The other play came on first and I watched that. It was subtle, but I could see the improvement in the acting and especially, how smoothly it went. When our turn came, we first did a speed run-through. I had heard of these, but in the companies I was with in Jersey, they were not done. Actually, it may very well have helped, just to kind of limber up the voice and mind.*
The tech guy was there part of the time and started setting up his lighting sequences. These are pretty intricate: In our play, I speak directly to the audience four times and the stage darkens except for the spotlight directly on me.  Anyway, it went well. We ran through the whole thing once, then I had to repeat my soliloquies while the techie adjusted his spotlight.
A show always gets more real, more interesting, more exciting (and scarier--what ever made me think I wanted to do this?)  the closer you get to opening night and now it's a week away--yay!
Got home a bit after 8:00 and called El to tell her I don't have rehearsal tonight--happy day. We decided I'd get to her place at 4:00 and we'd go out for dinner. I'll stay over, then drive back here for the all-day rehearsal tomorrow.
*This is everybody saying lines as they are in the play, but as quickly as possible and sans blocking.
Note to myself: I called Penney's to dispute a $29.80 late fee/interest charge. The person I talked to, to"Josh," agreed to remove it. He was exceedingly rude, incidentally.

Thursday, August 08, 2019

Venura County Fair

Again got up at 5:30, this time on purpose because I had a doctors appointment at 7:15.  Got there, discussed my iron deficiency, and we came to no conclusions as to the cause. I'll take the iron and get another blood test in November.
Home before 8:00, had breakfast, then took whites and other color-fast clothes to the laundry place. While they dried, I drove to Smart 'n' Final for blueberries and romaine. Retrieved the clothes--I'm always  delighted that I can use bleach--I'll do the others when I do the sheets.
Had lunch early, at noon, then rode the bus to town and walked from Main to the fairgrounds. I found the agricultural building and the stage setup where the story-telling contest would be held. Damn, I wish they had had that when I was in it last year.
Richard Senate, a well-known historian whom I've seen many times before, impersonated Benjamin Dudley--ha, that's my former husband, as I was Caroline Dudley last year. He had a wonderful nineties costume on, but I thought his presentation was poor. Benjamin had been in the civil war and had, in fact, been in the party that captured Jefferson Davis, but Richard had too much about that in his talk and not enough about his activities in Ventura. He came in fourth of five and rightly so, I thought.
A woman from the museum told a child's story about the early settlers here, the Chumash Indians and came in fifth and no wonder again. It may have been riveting for nine-year-olds, but not for adults. A woman from the Olivas Adobe historic property came in first and my friend, Fern, representing an historic site in Oxnard, came in second. Fern's topic was Christian Brochard, who was a prominent citizen here in the middle eighteen-hundreds. Incredibly, his second wife was 51 years younger then he was; they had five children, including the youngest, Theresa, who was Fern's mother-in-law.  Christian was 82 years old when she was born.
Went from there to two of the thrift stores and bought a beige teddy bear and a smaller blue one. I want to add something to my portrayal of the grandmother and will show Jeff when I have in mind during rehearsal tonight.
When I got home, I found two beautiful lemons and information on an Alzheimer's program coming up soon. These were from Suzanne, of course; I rang her bell and she invited me in to see the pictures of her family reunion in Oregon and her trip with her sister to a shrine in Seattle. We discussed our plans to see the DaVinci exhibit at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley.  It's on until September 8; not sure if we'll wait until after my show is over or try to fit it in before.
Here's Fern at the fair and her grandfather-in-law, also the  other contestants:

Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Santa B. And Jim

Up, as mentioned, much too early, but I did my usual, then left for the bus(es) at 9:00. On the way to Santa Barbara, I called niece Chrissy to get an update on brother, Jim. I was surprised when she said they had him up and walking and that I could call him. I did and, although he's a little wiffty, we had a nice (short) chat. I understand he'll be released tomorrow--whether home or to some kind of rehab, I don't know. Jim asked if I wanted to talk  to Therese, his wife, and yes, I did. I enjoyed talked to her--I like her a lot, maybe because she's a little prickly, like me--and was relieved to hear she was optimistic about Jim. (Therese is an R.N.)
Got to Betty's at my usual 11:30 and we walked to Lure for lunch. After complaining about the dentist with whom she had an appointment earlier, Betty now is happy with him and with his teeth-cleaning, or whatever it is. Had a good lunch without too much drama, although I noticed Betty's memory is getting even worse. We ordered different menu items and when her crab cakes came ten minutes later, she had to ask me if she had ordered them.
However, it was pretty okay, but she insisted on showing me again the "pun papers" she gets at her memory care group. These are cute and funny the first time you see them, but not so much the tenth time, since you already know the answers.
I left about 1:15, as I wanted to get the 2:20 bus back to Ventura because I had rehearsal at 6:30. Called Nancy on my way and was sorry to hear the shot for her knee didn't help at all. Got the usual three buses and arrived home about 4:00. Jumped in the shower, washed my hair and went to rehearsal...
...where I wasn't at my best. For some reason, I lost my concentration and had to call "line" once (I've had my part word perfect for weeks), plus I forgot one of the blocking changes. Anyway, we were still missing Audi, who has a pivotal part, and having Alex, our stage manager, read for her, just isn't the same. The rest of the cast was slightly ragged, also, but I know they'll  get it back, as I will, before we open.
We have a day off today; next rehearsal is tomorrow, also at 6:30. My Happy Hour buddies were nice enough to switch from 4:00 at Ventiki to 3:00 at Cafe Fiore, so I can get there and still make rehearsal.

Tuesday, August 06, 2019


Oh, boy, it was a scary family news day.
I look at Facebook (and often post) after I write this blog and check my email. Didn't see much of note and went to make breakfast at my usual 8:00. Daughter Ellen then called me to tell me my brother's daughter had posted on FB that her father, my brother, Jim, who is 94, had broken his hip. I immediately called Jim's number and talked to Jim's son, Mike.  Earlier, I had called Betty to tell her I'd be there to go to lunch with her today. At that point, neither of us (I don't think) knew about Jim. I called Carolyn and told her, but she said Chrissy, our niece had already called Betty to tell her the news. Later, I called my other brother, Larry, who's back from Budapest, about Jim, but he already had had the news, also. Anyway, I understand Jim came through surgery well--he had a hip replacement--although I didn't find that out until late afternoon. I do hope he'll come through this okay--he is, at least, in reasonably good health otherwise.
Carolyn called again after and we had a long talk about her mother and her condition (sigh). Went to the widder lunch early and just had roasted cauliflower--no beer, because I was driving. Got into long heart-to-heart discussions (separately) with both new member, Deidre, and my dear  young friend,  Donna. Carolyn B. and Nancy were both there and I chatted with them, too. Gave everybody flyers about the show and several plan to come.
As I had expected, Suzanne called me about 1:00 to say the shuttle was a few minutes away from the Sheraton. It took me only about ten minutes from the Stonefire Grille to pick her up. I took her home with pleasure, as I like  having her next door and I had missed her. Had my regular salad lunch, knowing rehearsal was called for 6:30 and I wouldn't eat much, if anything. for dinner.
About 4:45, Chrissy posted that Jim is doing well and will probably go home on Wednesday--YAY! Went to rehearsal and sat through two run-throughs of one of the other plays, then we went on twice, also. It went well and, as virtually any performance of any kind does, gets better in exact ratio to how many rehearsals we have.
Home and my usual, but I made the stupid mistake of setting the alarm for 5:30--what was I thinking? I have a doctors appointment at 7:15 am tomorrow and I should have thought of that, plus rehearsal again at 6:30 tonight. I'm going to be dragging, I'm afraid, but I'll live through it. 

Monday, August 05, 2019

The Museum, The Harbor, And Rehearsal

Decided to skip the Kimball walk, as I didn't get up until 6:30. One of these days, I'll get back in the groove. Did the usual Sunday thing; as I finished the crossword, Stella texted, asking if I might want to meet her at the botanic garden. No, but I might be open to something else.
What evolved is that I met her at the museum after she came from the 10:30 mass at the mission, which is right across Main. (I greeted the receptionist as "Elena," the director. Her name is actually Friday, incredibly enough, and they do look a lot alike; we laughed over that.)
Stella and I looked around here and there at various exhibits, but happily, left fairly quickly. I suggested the Paradise Pantry for lunch and we went there. It was good, but pretty crowded and noisy, what with all tourists (which I used to be--ha!).
I went home on the bus and immediately jumped in the shower, dressed, and took off for the harbor. Found Nancy's son, Richard, at the custom car displays and chatted with him for a bit. He made this "Manx Buggy" himself from a kit. Richard is a neat guy; hope he comes to our show. Here he is:
Went from there to WinCo. Thought I'd get spinach, as I'm mindful of the iron thing. Got two bags of fresh (I never eat anything but), plus butter spray, Parmesan cheese, and two 18 ounce containers of my addiction, blueberries.
Immediately drove to rehearsal, which had been called for 5:30. I got there a bit early, so saw a run-through of one of the other plays (ours is immeasurably better), then we went on. It went well, as we're all comfortable with each other and our parts now. I asked Jeff how essential it was for me to be at rehearsal in the morning next Saturday, which is called for all day, 10 to 8. He was emphatic that everybody be there all day. Darn. But I'm going to skip the fair poetry contest and Ellen's yard sale, I'm afraid. It's disappointing, but I'm afraid it has to be. 
Next Saturday, six days before we open, the entire cast and crew, including band members, are to be there from 10 am to 8 pm. Damn--I wanted to not only enter the poetry contest at the fair, but spend some time at Ellen's yard sale. I approached Jeff and asked how important it was to be there. It's very important and I know he doesn't want to have anyone out. Told him I'd try to change my commitment. I think I'll ask today (we have rehearsal at 6:30) if I could possibly come at 10, then leave at 11 and come back at 1:00. Or maybe I won't ask--dunno.

Sunday, August 04, 2019


Moseyed around early on, still in a bit of a mood. I was annoyed with myself that I accidentally bought thin-sliced bread (Dave's Killer Bread). Since I eat only only one a day (at breakfast), I want the full slice to put my cottage cheese on. This morning, I think I'll go wild and eat two.
Went to Smart 'n' Final for blueberries, Romaine, oranges, and two pounds of carrots. I scrubbed and cut up the last two and put them in the slow cooker--I love carrots that way.
I was pleased to get a text from Diane and Irene, my old Kimball buddies. I haven't been doing the park walk for the last few months because I thought I'd be selling my  car. They asked if I was going to be Caroline Dudley at the county fair this year; no, but I told them of the American Roadhouse show. I said I'd go to Kimball at 7:00 today and see if they're there. However, I just got up at 6:15 and I don't think I will. I'll text that I'll see them another time.
Town after lunch. I saw a huge painting that I thought would look great over my bed, although that space is already occupied. Luckily, it didn't have a price on it, so they wouldn't sell it and what kind of insanity is it to buy it, anyway? So I won't--I want to get rid of things, not get more!
On the way home, I called Nancy to ask about her various physical problems. She told me her son, Richard, is showing his--well, it's some kind of dune buggy--at a custom car exhibit at the harbor from 3 to 5 today. I know she'd like me to go and  I said I'd try, but I have rehearsal at 5:30. I'll keep it in mind and see if I can get there.

Saturday, August 03, 2019


I was the biggest loser at T.O.P.S., with two pounds off, weighing in at 128.7. The program was boring--Lora read something--and, as ever, I resented not getting breakfast until 10:30, but oh, well.
Called El and told her I wanted to enter the poetry contest at the fair, so I couldn't be at her yard sale all day. We decided I'd stay over at her place on Friday, leave for the fair about 10, I guess, or maybe later, do the thing there, then come back.
Simple, huh? Well, it would have been, except that Jeff sent out the rehearsal schedule and it includes all day (10am to 8pm) Saturday. I'm sure that doesn't mean we have to be there the whole time, but I'm going to see if I can skip it altogether
More complications: Sheri, from Dudley House, called to say the Storyteller contest is Saturday, and Richard Senate, a local historian, whom I know, will impersonate Benjamin Dudley (my former husband--I was Caroline D. last year). So all these things are coming at once.
That may have been why I felt a little low yesterday. I actually didn't go into town at all; just rebelled and spent time on the laptop, plus ran a few errands. Added a bit to my cowboy poem. Damn, I again lost the Internet for a time; I was able to fix it, but I'm not at all confident I can next time.
Called my brother, Frank, in Alameda. He was at his daughter's house, along with others. His dementia is further along than Betty's and, as with her, he seems to have vacated the premises. So depressing. In fact, I fell a little low and out of sorts all day; don't know why. I'm feeling a bit more chipper today.
Re Thursday's post on iron:
It occurred to me that I used to take iron because it was low; looked it up on this blog (well, it's good for something) and found a mention of "my anemia" from December, 2015. That prompted my memory that, yes, I had had that low hemoglobin count and anemia then. I'm not sure why it has reoccurred and I don't have that tiredness now, but I got the iron pills.

Friday, August 02, 2019


At the county fair, there'll be a "cowboy poetry contest" on August 10. I decided to enter and spent a fair amount of time in the morning composing a verse. Contestants simply have to show up at 11:45 and recite their stuff at noon. Sounds like fun, so I'll do it.
Suzanne texted me to ask if I could pick her up at the Sheraton when she gets in on the shuttle on Monday at 1:00. Sure I will, although that means I'll miss the widder group lunch. Think I'll stop there first to give them flyers on the show.
Erica, in our Welcome Home cast, put on Facebook that she'd host a read-through at 7:00 and I wrote back I'd be there. Carolyn B. emailed that Nancy wasn't feeling well, so would not join us for Happy Hour. I called her to learn she has a gastrointestinal upset. Combined with her continuing knee problem--the shot didn't help at all--and the low hemoglobin, she's has some real difficulties. 
Got the bus for town and met Diane and Carolyn at Fluid State at 4:00. It was okay, although another of those annoying "order at the counter and get your own utensils" places. We did have our usual good time discussing this and that.
On the way home, I got a call from the doctor's office, saying my iron is low and I should take some OTC supplements.  Okay, but why would my iron be low? I probably eat more spinach than Popeye--but I'll comply. They also want me to get another blood test, presumably after I've been taking the iron for a while, and I asked that the order be e-mailed to me.
Got to Erica's at 7:00 and Amanda, Jannelle, and Gwen came soon after.  Audi and Dan, the rest of our cast, weren't able to make it, but Kat, the stage manager, did. We ran through it twice, with Kat reading for the absentees. Broke up at 8:30.

Thursday, August 01, 2019

Around And About

Went to the Hill Street branch of the library to ask that they put a poster up about our show; they will and I left one off. Will ask the same of the main branch today.
Home, lunch, then it was off to town. Stopped at the thrift store to tell them Jeff wants a regular bassinet with legs, so thanks, but no thanks re the carrying basket. While there, I look for some light-colored top I can wear for the show. Since we have a black backdrop, we need to wear something other than black, which seems to be a lot of what I have. I was pleased to find not only a light green sort of blouse/jacket, but a longer beige vest type thing. I guess you could wear it as a dress, but I think it will be ideal in the show over my black skirt and white blouse.
But what was this? Goodwill's fifty percent off sale was from 5 to 9 and it was only 3:00!  Since the world would stop turning if I paid full price for something two hours before I could get it for half, I put it back on the rack. Walked up to the library and read there for a bit, then meandered around town until 5:00, at which point, I returned to Goodwill and got both items for twelve bucks!
While there, I ran into Suz Montgomery, director of the Ventura Department on Aging, and a friend of mine. We chatted and she told me she was negotiating with the county to have education for seniors, in which case, she said, "you have a job." Who, me? Yep; Suz knows I taught job-hunting skills for senior citizens at Stockton College and Atlantic Community College in Jersey and she hasn't forgotten it. She said she and John, her husband, who has also been on stage, will certainly come to our show. Home, I made myself a swordfish, fresh tomatoes (my own!), and acorn squash for dinner.
Happy Hour today--YAY!


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...