Friday, September 14, 2018

The Car And The Bus

Kimball and all that. After breakfast, I went to three places for blueberries, spinach, jumbo raw shrimp, grapes, and cauliflower. Heard from the AAA appraiser, who confirmed my car is totaled and said they'd give me $10,140.59,with the thousand deductible I have factored in. Since I owe $9,243.28, that leaves me not quite five hundred bucks for a down payment--damn! Guess I'll have to dig into my Vanguard account...
...but strangely enough, I'm not distressed over it. Reason is, because I got a letter from my primary doc, which I knew was about my chest x-ray. After forty-one years of smoking two plus packs a day, I'm always waiting for the lung cancer axe to fall...but it's still just hovering: The letter said no prob, more or less (though not in those words).
I had sent nephew Jim that disc with my Dad's college pictures on it and was upset when I traced it on-line and was told there was no record. I walked the three blocks to the P.O. to find it had been delivered on Wednesday--I had put the wrong trace numbers in, so that was good news.
I decided again to take the bus and I did. I'm getting more and more pleased with this turn of events. For one thing, it's good for my pocketbook (sky-high gas cost as opposed to zero), my body (without even thinking about it, I'm adding at least an extra mile and possibly more, to my walking total), and even more, freedom. How so? Because I'm not obliged to walk a mile out, say, then re-trace my steps back to where I parked my car. Yesterday, I got off at the mission, walked down to The Promenade, then to the Crown Plaza, and from there, to the pier. I walked the length of that, then to the library and got the bus back from there.
I got a call from Dede, whom I met at the last widder dinner (the one who was promoting a film called--I think--Zombie Strippers). Anyway, she thinks we're going to be bosom buddies, although she started off with some politician inanity, then "I know you're pro-Trump."  What?! What would ever give her that idea? Oh, that's right, I disparaged both Hillary and Elizabeth Warren--ergo, I must like Trump. That's the worse kind of sophistry and I immediately wrote her off as a pretentious bore.
After dinner, whilst taking my trash to the trash place, I found a big, beautiful lemon at my door. Of course, it came from Suzanne, I rang her bell and chatted with her. People at her work bring them in; she also gave me two lovely apples. Great neighbor!

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Weight: home down a pound to 124.4; T.O.P.S., down .03 to 125.2, so okay. The meeting was the usual: therapy session and general chat for mo...