Sunday, September 16, 2018

Saturday And Surfing

Oops, I forgot to mention that I went to T.O.P.S. on Friday. Weighed in at 128.7, which means I've maintained now for six months at 128, with just slight variations in ounces. I don't think I've ever done that before in practically a lifetime of weight loss and gain. I believe I've finally hit on the right combo of food, exercise, and life style that works for me--i.e., that I can follow without a problem. This does not include those hoary old cliches and platitudes so many seem to accept without question, e.g., counting calories, recording your food intake, and so on.
Anyhoo, as for Saturday...
The usual morning stuff, including Kimball, of course. Nancy called to say she'd pick me up about 10:30 today, then we'd go to the Maritime Museum for the exhibit, then meet her daughter-in-law for lunch. Sounds good to me.
I did this and that until Ellen came over about 11:00. She fixed some of the system stuff with which I was having problems and we then discussed the most important topic: where to go for lunch. I thought Japanese, she didn't, we just went to Thai, didn't feel like going too far, so finally opted for Marie Callenders.
I hadn't been there since our widder group met there a year or so ago, and it isn't one of my favorites, but it was pretty good. I had their chili (fair, but not bad and at least, not too spicy) with cornbread (warm with plenty of soft butter, it was to die for), plus a yummy Blue Moon on draft.
After, we stopped at a nearby store for blueberries, then El dropped me at home. I put my fruit in the fridge and immediately walked to the bus stop.
Rode to town, got off at the library and walked the half-mile or so to The Promenade. The ocean was gloriously sparkling, lots of people on the beach (but few in the water, which must have been frigid), and the winners of a surfing contest were being announced.  The first category was "seventy and over," fer cryin' out loud! Gee, wish I had known, I could have entered.
Walked from there to Main, which was full of strollers and tourists, and stopped in several thrift stores, looking for a board game. I'm planning to devise a game for T.O.P.S. (I signed up to run the program on October 5) and want a spinner and other basics. If don't find something, I'll figure on making it myself. 

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Weight: home down a pound to 124.4; T.O.P.S., down .03 to 125.2, so okay. The meeting was the usual: therapy session and general chat for mo...