Wednesday, September 19, 2018

No Car Yet

Well, things are looking up. I met Irene and Diane while we were walking the park and they asked how the car situation was. I told them I was going back to make a decision about a particular car, but really didn't want it, but felt uncomfortable, whining that I was all alone--(sniff). At that, Irene said she'd go with me.
And so she did. We met there about 11:30, I told sales rep Jamie no, and said he'd have to look for something else for me. Irene was all business and, of course, backed me up. She also, on the spot, called her son-in-law, whose friend is a car dealer, to ask him to get on the case. I feel much relieved  about the whole thing. I kept the car for an extra day, but am going to take it back before noon today. It's costing me a fortune that I can ill afford, and I'm just going to rely on the bus and maybe Uber until I get the car I want.
Speaking of the bus, I took it into town, got off at the library, read for a bit (this time, a photo book of the later James Dean--okay, so I have esoteric tastes). Went from there to The Promenade to soak in Pacific--figuratively speaking, of course--and walk the few miles back to Main Street.
El called as I was on the bus home and we had a good talk. My friend, Carolyn, e-mailed that her car is in the shop and she may not be able to come to Happy Hour today. Hope she can.
For some reason, my television isn't working right. The remotes I have don't seem to get what I want; all it shows are some 900+ things that seem to be only music and I don't even have that capability. Oh, well, I'll just go to YouTube, or whatever.
But later: I somehow managed to fix the T.V. and watched my usual hour until turning in at 9:00.

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