Saturday, July 28, 2018

T.O.P.S. And Various

Kimballed, then went to T.O.P.S.  I was amazed to discover I'm another 2.5 pounds down--now at 126.3.  That was, of course, after two weeks, but I was on vacation and careless of what I ate. I'm toying with the idea of getting to 125, as I had originally intended (until 128 seemed to be where my body wanted to be).
Anyway, it was gratifying. What wasn't, so much, was the typically boring meeting. This time, leader Lennie had us read this and that from Consumer Reports, about half of which had nothing to do with weight loss. The other was marginally valid at best, such as the crapola about how much water to drink. If I'm not mistaken, that eight glasses a day thing has been in scientific dispute for some time and, under normal conditions, thirst should dictate when to drink.
Anyhoo, I finally got home and after my two-hours-late breakfast, I called Bill Galway, my Sweetwater Drive neighbor in Sunrise Bay, He's also the general handyman who cleans my gutters, replaces my furnace and AC filters, and does other annual chores. We had a long talk and he filled me in on the buzz re who died, who moved, and who looks like a walking corpse (our mutual neighbor, Anne Mary H.). Before I could forget, I made out a check and sent it to  him for this year's work.
I wasn't sure if Robyn, et al, would stay for lunch today, but I went out and got sliced turkey, salad fixings, and Greek yogurt.  She texted later, I asked her, and yes, she, Steve, and Dex, will get here between 11 and 12, go the pool, and have lunch. Ellen might come, too--I invited her, but she wasn't sure.
After lunch, went to town as usual; lots of people strolling the streets, and it was very festive. 

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At nine, I called the Access Van to take me to Ellen's retirement party today and was horrified to learn they don't go to her school...