Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Ojai And Toastmasters

Here I am in Ojai, where I'll now be until tomorrow.
Yesterday, I got up at my usual, 5:15 (I seem to be programmed that way), and after coffee, walked from here to Von's, which I'd say approximates my Kimball walk or is a bit longer. After breakfast, I got a call from John Martin, the pastor emeritus of the Congregational Church here, where the Dudleys had worshipped.  (I had contacted the present pastor and she had asked him to call.) He's a very nice guy and told me he had known both Alice Knox and Johanna, both of whom either were grandchildren or married into the family.  Nancy called to say she had to go for blood work on Tuesday, so could I meet for lunch yesterday, instead? Sure could, and we did.
We went to the Ojai Beverage Company and enjoyed it. I had a "flight" of beer--samples of four kinds--and a mushroom burger. We chatted away, of course--darn, I had forgotten Nancy's birthday is on Sunday, must think of what to get her--before parting.
I went from there back to my apartment to pick up my phone charger and mouse. I lay down for a nap, as I hadn't slept too soundly at El's, then got up to shower, dress, and take off for Dudley House and the Toastmasters meeting.
This went well. We inducted the new officers, ditto some new members, and had a good meeting. Unusually for this chapter, we even had refreshments. El called in the middle to say they wanted to stay in Pismo Beach another day, so would I stay over, again? Sure, no prob, so I will.  Happily, I found two blouses in the back room at Dudley House, which I'm hoping may complete my outfit for the county fair thing. Darn, I hope so.
I left slightly early, as I didn't want to drive to Ojai in full dark, and got back here sometime after 8:00. Had my blueberries, found Forensic Files on El's TV, watched for a time, then went to bed and happily, slept like a log this time.
The solar panel people will be here in an hour, so must dress.

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Washed sheets, changed the bed, showered and washed my hair before breakfast. Ate, then fussed around with this and that. I paid the water b...