Monday, July 30, 2018

Capri Pants And Caroline

After Kimball, I went directly to Wal-Mart (it was only 7:05 when I finished my walk), to see if they had any mediums in the Capri pants I like. They didn't, of course, but I bought different ones, plus a top. Took my BP while there and it's still low--94/67, with a 65 pulse--but I guess it's okay, as I feel fine. Home for breakfast, then I got serious about researching the Dudley thing. Worked on that until 11:30, when I left to meet Ellen for lunch at the new Stone Fire Grille. Our widder group now meets there, but I never had, as I was away for the last two gatherings.
Unfortunately, we weren't too happy with it. It was jammed, of course, being new. And it's one of those, like Sizzler, where you stand in line to order, then get an electronic gizmo, which gets your server, with food, to your location. 
Dammit, I don't want to stand in line to order. I want the server to come to my table, record my choices, then bring them to me. What annoys me no end is the fact that, presumably, you're expected to tip, even though the server only does half a serving job. I was also annoyed to see that there was also a tip jar where you put in your order. Well, the food was better than at Sizzler, anyway; I had a chopped salad, very fresh and tasty, and a really good local beer called "Chief Peak."
After, I asked El to come back to the apartment to take my picture with my Caroline outfit on, which  she did. I may need her to accompany me on the seventh, also, just to help me dress.
Betty called to ask if she can come from Friday to Sunday because Steve and family are camping. Sure, but I had to tell her I'm going to be preoccupied with prep and she understands. El left and I drove to Wal-Mart to exchange the top I had bought in the morning (medium, plum) for a larger one in navy. Went from there to town for the usual. Heard from Connie and I'll go to her place at 1:00 on Thursday.
The picture's fuzzy, but here I am in my Caroline Dudley outfit.

Sunday And Vivian

The usual Sunday morning--mundane, but it suits me--Kimball, breakfast, crossword.  Went to WinCo for onions and peppers; cut them up when I got home to have ready for a turkey stir-fry dinner.  Got the turkey at Ralph's.
I went through my Dudley info, as I must, finally and at long last, write my script and memorize it. Had my salad for lunch, then took off for town. At the library, read for an hour Melissa Rivers' book on her mother, Joan. I always liked Joan Rivers and her sassy, verging on outrageous (and sometimes, not just verging) humor. Anyway, I'll continue reading it next time. Ellen texted she'll be in Ventura today and we'll meet for lunch--yay!
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, closeup and outdoor
Yesterday was the birthday of my oldest granddaughter, Vivian. She is fourteen years old and what a complicated darling she's turned out to be--so much like the rest of us. I both deplore and applaud the family traits almost all of my parents' descendants seem to exhibit: a nagging sense of never being good enough along with a touch of arrogance, laziness and great energy, sweet naturalness and irritating artifice, plus an infuriating sense of privilege that co-exists with a well of self-doubt.
She's her grandmother's girl, all right.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Robyn And Her Magic

Walked Kimball, then straightened up a bit after breakfast.  I made up a salad, plus thin-sliced turkey sandwiches and put them in the fridge.
Steve, Robyn, and Dex got here about 12:30, we had lunch, then the guys went to the pool while Robyn and I attended to the costume renovations.  I put the outfit on and we decided the petticoat and blouse, while too big, could be tucked in, tightened, and otherwise adjusted.  The skirt was the problem. It was too big around the waist and much too long. The belt, also, needed attention, as that was a bit tight.
Boy, after Robyn performed her magic, the outfit looked great. I added the grey wig and a few other embellishments and when Steve and Dex came in, greeted them as Caroline Dudley--they were wowed. They stayed for a bit and left about 3:30, after which I immediately drove to town and walked my walk.
Steve said Betty was coming to visit them "for a few weeks" (?), but they were going camping next weekend in Santa Barbara and could she stay with me? Well, sure, but I can't devote much time to entertaining her, as my country fair thing was the following Tuesday. Anyway, she may or may not come. Either way, my focus is going to be on the Dudley thing.
Connie called as I was walking on Main Street and we agreed that I'd come to her house in Oxnard on Thursday to show her my costume, return hers, and do my talk. Until then, I'm clearing the decks to concentrate on the presentation.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

T.O.P.S. And Various

Kimballed, then went to T.O.P.S.  I was amazed to discover I'm another 2.5 pounds down--now at 126.3.  That was, of course, after two weeks, but I was on vacation and careless of what I ate. I'm toying with the idea of getting to 125, as I had originally intended (until 128 seemed to be where my body wanted to be).
Anyway, it was gratifying. What wasn't, so much, was the typically boring meeting. This time, leader Lennie had us read this and that from Consumer Reports, about half of which had nothing to do with weight loss. The other was marginally valid at best, such as the crapola about how much water to drink. If I'm not mistaken, that eight glasses a day thing has been in scientific dispute for some time and, under normal conditions, thirst should dictate when to drink.
Anyhoo, I finally got home and after my two-hours-late breakfast, I called Bill Galway, my Sweetwater Drive neighbor in Sunrise Bay, He's also the general handyman who cleans my gutters, replaces my furnace and AC filters, and does other annual chores. We had a long talk and he filled me in on the buzz re who died, who moved, and who looks like a walking corpse (our mutual neighbor, Anne Mary H.). Before I could forget, I made out a check and sent it to  him for this year's work.
I wasn't sure if Robyn, et al, would stay for lunch today, but I went out and got sliced turkey, salad fixings, and Greek yogurt.  She texted later, I asked her, and yes, she, Steve, and Dex, will get here between 11 and 12, go the pool, and have lunch. Ellen might come, too--I invited her, but she wasn't sure.
After lunch, went to town as usual; lots of people strolling the streets, and it was very festive. 

Friday, July 27, 2018


It was good to resume my park walk; I met Irene (Diane is hiking in Canada), Carolyn and Bob, but didn't see Ed. Home by 7:15.
I tried on the costume from Hell and it's a lousy fit. I can more or less adjust the blouse (big), the petticoat (very big, but with a drawstring), and the belt (tight). As for the skirt, if I was six foot two and weighed 400 pounds, it would fit. It's enormous and I was discouraged.
However, I called Robyn and she said she'd come here tomorrow with her sewing machine and alter it for me. She'll bring her boy, Dex, who can go in the pool, plus maybe Betty, who's in Santa Barbara, but Dana can drop her here on his way to his mother's, and so on and so forth.
Went to town and did the usual. I stopped into the furniture part of Goodwill and saw an elephant that I knew was made for me. It's of plaster, I think, and is about two feet high, very unusual, so I bought it.  Do I need it? Yeah, like a hole in the head.
Connie called about getting together re costume and script. Her doggie is sick, so she isn't sure when she's available, but will let me know. I called Nancy, who I'll take to lunch for her eightieth sometime next week. Ellen called, coming back from SB; she may come tomorrow for the pool, too.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

First Day Back

As it always is, my first day back was a settling-in one.  Unpacked, put away, did a full load of wash with all it entails, got my mail from Suzanne, and checked the fridge and cabinet for what I needed. Ellen had been kind enough to lay in blueberries and cottage cheese--my staples--and I went to WinCo for chicken, veggies, and grapes.
Suzanne stopped in to give me my mail. I'll return the favor, as she leaves on a two-week (or longer, she's not sure) trip this morning. Called my cousin, Sally, back; she had left a text message, asking about Marybeth's death and we had a long talk. Sal is just two weeks younger than Frank, so she's 85 and she had been a marathon runner until she was 80. She then had a hip replacement and now she has some kind of surgery scheduled because of a respiratory problem. She tells me it's no big deal, but--hmm.
Called Connie K. to discuss getting together re the Carrie Dudley thing; she'll get back to me. Unpacked my costume and it looks huge. I'll try it on, but doubt if it will serve. If it doesn't, I'll have to think of some kind of alternative avenue.
Made my standard huge salad for lunch, then took off for town. Did the usual park-and-walk, and got home at 5:00 for a shrimp and cauliflower dinner.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Wednesday And Home

The 181-mile, three-hour trip to Albuquerque was, as ever, through some of the most beautiful, typically southwestern I've even seen. Said goodbye, me only a little tearful, after arriving at the airport about an hour and a half before the 1:25 flight time.
Only the flight had been delayed. As it turned out, I didn't take off until 3:00, which meant I missed the 3:30 shuttle at LAX, which meant I didn't get the next one until 6:16, which meant I didn't get back to the Sheraton Ventura until after 8:30, when I fell into the arms of one of my favorite daughters. 
However, all was forgotten when we went Jasmine Thai for a late dinner of spring rolls and chicken satay. Back to my place*, I kissed Ellen goodbye, unpacked the bare essentials, took a quick shower, and fell into bed.
And I just got up! At 8:35!

*Unfortuntely, my homecoming was marred by a letter from management informing me my rent will go up by EIGHTY DOLLARS A MONTH on September 1. Now to decide how to--or if to--1. dispute this somehow; 2. raise my tenant's rent to compensate; or 3. move.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018


I got an unwelcome phone call in the morning: My sister-in-law, my brother, Frank's, wife, has died. No plans for the funeral yet.
Watched pickleball, then went to Cloudcroft Manor. This is a hundred and nineteen-year-old hotel, rumored to have a pretty chambermaid, "Rebecca," as resident haunt. Got good exercise in walking up the fairly steep road to it.
Had another good dinner on the deck; I do like eating outside. Did some preliminary packing, slept well, and now I must reconcile myself to leaving. It's been a wonderful trip!

Monday, July 23, 2018


Quieter, but still an active day. We walked a full three and a half miles in the morning; it was strenuous, but so invigorating.
I had had some trouble sleeping the night before, so it was just as well not to schedule much during the day. We went shopping and did some minor chores, plus some fun work in the backyard. Called Ellen to find out what was going on there. She said she was going to a "packing party," given by a teacher colleague who's moving to Seattle (I should have thought of that before I moved--ha!). I then called Betty to ask about her court case and various. It turns out the guy who swindled her never showed, so is now subject to arrest, I think. Betty is now back in Santa Barbara; it still seems up in the air about her house.
We dressed up (a little) and went to the Farm To Table restaurant for "from scratch," prepared on order dinner. Boy, was it good! The bacon-wrapped figs (with goat cheese), Parmesan fries, and bison burger were to die for, and the beer was good, too.
After, we went to the Mountain Inn of the Gods, a huge and beautiful hotel/casino in a typically beautiful New Mexico setting. Strolled around there, then drove high up in the mountains (me having the vapors in the back seat) to experience stunning views. 
Slept like a baby and woke up to this, my last day here (sob!).

Sunday, July 22, 2018


Went to a nearby area to view an iris farm, which included a charming "fairy garden." To the store for veggies and so on, made plans for dinner out tonight. More later.

Saturday, July 21, 2018


Girls' parents came over, then we enjoyed a picnic and walk in the woods. We saw a huge elk placidly resting on a lawn nearby. Girls and parents left for Florida from there. We then explored antique/thrift/curio shops here and there on a warm and beautiful day. Wound down later on the deck--it's wonderful to be able to spend so much time outdoors, with few insects--chatting and watching the gorgeous hummingbirds invited here by three feeders. Went to bed early slept like a log.

Friday, July 20, 2018


Among lots of other adventures, we went to Mount Bianca (White Mountain), riding a gondola to the top. Two of our members rode a zip line (I wasn't one of them!) roughly a hundred feet over that. Spectacular views from there; in fact, all of New Mexico seems to be a series breath-taking views.
Went to a kind of kiddie speedway, where the younger one rode a speedy "race car" and the older went into a maze. We went into town for various shops and sight-seeing, the girls buying handmade bath salts. Went to some playgrounds, took long walks, and otherwise did the relaxed and enjoyable vacation activities, besides the vigorous ones.
Yesterday about 5:00, the parents blew in from Encondido by way of Albuquerque, and we had a terrific salmon dinner on the deck. They'll be back this morning and will leave after.
No time for more right now.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Lots going on, but now we're going for a walk. More later.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

New Mexico

What a fun time in New Mexico! Picked up at the airport in Albuquerque around noon, treated to lunch, then driven three hours to my destination. It was great fun seeing my granddaughters and in the evening, we went out to the pickle ball court. I didn't play, but the rest did. Then three of us took a two-mile walk. When I got to bed, I slept like a log, not even getting up once for the usual.
Yesterday, we had a ball: drove up a spectacular road high, high into the Bianca Something Mountain, then an even more spectacular gondola ride higher still.  Two of us rode what seemed to be the world's highest zip drive--but you can be sure I wasn't one of them. We didn't get home until after 4:00 and the others went out for another round of pickle ball. I begged off and sat on the delightful back porch reading. No time for more.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

My Journey.

I had my coffee, dressed, and got out to the entrance at twenty of four to be picked up by Rosie's Taxi. It was pitch dark, of course, and nothing was stirring except the scavengers. Human ones, that is, who go through the bins for bottles, cans, and other re-salables. As it got closer and closer to 4:00, I got more and more nervous. Surely, the cab would show up. I had called a week ahead, then confirmed the day before, and was assured he'd be there.
He wasn't. When I called at 3:55, there was no answer and I was informed that voice mail had never been set up.  AAGH! What in the world could I do? I couldn't call Ellen to ask her to take me because she couldn't have driven over from Ojai in time; the shuttle left at 4:30 sharp. I just couldn't bring myself to ring Suzanne, as I doubted if she could dress in time to make i.
I finally did something that was, I admit, foolhardy.  One of the trash scavengers had a car and I asked if he's drive me to the Sheraton for twenty bucks. He agreed (it's only six miles away), I jumped in, he pulled away, and drove me to a deserted area, robbed me, murdered me, and his my bodies in the woods.
We got there fine, I paid him (Matt) the twenty, scuttle came soon, I chatted with a woman who taught at the exclusive prep school above Medication Mountain, got to LAX, checked in, had coffee and a bagel, then waited for three plus hours before we got in the air.
Uneventful flight, as they say, but it was a small plane and I was uneasy, as ever. I was met, we stopped for lunch, drove to Ruidoso, and here I am, and glad to be.

Monday, July 16, 2018


Whew again! After Kimball, breakfast, and the crossword, I stripped the bed and took the few clothes to the laundry place. Made bed, re-did, and folded and packed enough clothes for six months, no doubt, but I'm always afraid I'll run out.
I can't stand coming home from a trip to a messy house (apartment in this case), so I did all kinds of other domestic stuff too boring to record. Finally tried on the wig I bought the other day. Happily, it fits fine--little-old-lady with grey hair and bun. Now I'll be on pins and needles until I see if my two hundred smackers costume fits.
After lunch, I went to get printer ink and the eye drops El said her doctor had recommended. Visine? Horrors! You have to get something called Systane Ultra at eleven bucks a pop. I seriously wonder if it's more expensive than liquid gold, as you get maybe a teaspoon, but oh, well.
I had the vague idea I might go to the pool, but I have only one bathing suit and since I'm taking it to NM, I didn't want to get it wet. Went to the mall with the idea of buying another, but saw nothing I liked and besides, by that time, it was close to 4:00, so I just drove to town, parked at the library, read for a bit, then left. (Run-on sentence, but I care not.)
Tried to eat or otherwise get rid of what was in the fridge and it's pretty well bare. Now here it is, 3:15 am and New Mexico, here I come!

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Fun Day

A fun day with my D.D.* 
After Kimball and breakfast, I called Sheri to see if I could drop off the clothing I borrowed from Dudley House. I asked her to return them because I gave the keys to Sue because Poinsettia Toastmasters will meet there while I'm away. She agreed and I took them to her place.
Nearby is a large and attractive building high on Poli Street, now occupied by law offices. This was built by Selwyn Shaw, who also built Dudley House. I stopped to walk around it--what a beauty and what a view. Went from there to the museum to park, but there were no spots open--lots going on in town--so I parked at the library and walked back.
Met El at the Blue Agave a bit before noon and sat on the patio. We both had Margaritas, plus soft tacos, enchiladas, and the usual beans and rice. We had a great time, the Margaritas contributing to our high spirits. I wasn't really lit, but El decided I shouldn't drive home and I went in her car back to my place, where we changed and went to the pool.
It felt great, although it wasn't as hot as it had been the other day when we were there. Stayed about an hour and a half, then left, dressed, and went to CVS for a few things El wanted. From there, she drove me to town to pick up my car and, after many thanks, I hugged her goodbye.
Betty called on my way home--she's back in Ventnor and her court case is coming up on Tuesday. We talked a bit, I wished her good luck, then went home. Responded to Connie's e-mail asking when we can get together before the county fair thing and I suggested the 31st.
Tomorrow: New Mexico!
*Darling Daughter

Saturday, July 14, 2018

T.O.P.S. And Trip

I was pleased to get a call from Ellen shortly after I returned from Kimball at 7:30.  She said she wanted to take me to lunch before I leave on Monday and I debated Blue Agave or Ojai Beverage. Opted for the latter, but later changed my mind later and we'll meet at the Blue at noon.
Went to T.O.P.S. and was pleasantly surprised to see I had lost a smidgen. I'm still not back down to 128, but I lost--well, four-tenths of a pound (whoopee!)--so am at 129.3.  What with my riotous living lately, I was sure I had gained, so am satisfied.
I admit I fudged and said I had to leave early because I had a breakfast date (well, I did, right here with myself). I just get so damned bored with the aimless prattle that passes for a meeting, let alone the droning on of whatever member is reading the current second-grade level crapola about weight loss.
Took a load of wash to The Place and spent the rest of the morning making first preps for my trip. I wrapped the girls' gifts, hauled out my big suitcase, and put in a few clothes. After lunch, I took the gifts to the post office--thought I might as well send them first and I may do the same with some clothes or whatever. Went to WinCo and a few other places for fruit and paper products. Got to town later than usual and didn't get back until almost 6:00.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Ocean View Toastmasters

Saw the usual park pals at Kimball; home by 7:15. After breakfast, I finally started tackling the myriad tasks that piled up when I was at Ellen's. Oh, all right, from before that and I just neglected them. I pierced, cut, and seeded two big squash--one spaghetti, one acorn--and put the essence in the fridge. Hard-boiled some eggs for my salad and performed other homey chores.
Called Connie to tell her I was frantic about my Carrie costume and after this, that, and the other, she put me in touch with Wild West Costuming, out of Arizona. After a lot more drama, I ordered a skirt, a petticoat, a blouse, and a belt to be sent via 3-day mail. Total expense? Two hundred bucks and change--damn!
After lunch, I took off for Oxnard and finally found the Costume shop. I bought a grey wig, with bun, for fifteen bucks; haven't even tried it on yet, because I'm afraid to; you can't try them on in the store and you can't return them--double damn!  However, easy come, easy go is my new attitude. I stopped at Whole Foods to see Greg, but he wasn't there--I think he's still on vacation.
Home, I jumped in the shower and dressed for Toastmasters.  Suzanne rang my bell and gave me some yummy little tomatoes. She sat and chatted for a bit and we exchanged travel plans. She's going to San Francisco shortly after I return from New Mexico.
Went to Toastmaster--Ocean View chapter, which I hadn't attended before--and had a reasonably good time. Fern and Judi from my groups were there and I met others. They meet at the Lexington on alternate Thursdays, as our Human & Drama does.  Didn't get home until after 9:00.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

The Rumfish

Back at Ellen's, my phone alarm woke me at 6:00.  Fed Sebastian, did this and that on the laptop, then walked to Von's and back. By this time, it was about 7:15 and the temp was probably pushing eighty. I swept El's patio/backyard and cleaned up after Sebastian, who has a habit  of regurgitating some of his meal. He wants to eat grass after, but couldn't find any in the back, so I got him some from the front.
Packed everything else about 11:30 and left for home. Puttered around, had lunch, then left for town. Walked my usual, then met Diane for Happy House at the Rumfish. We just had beer--"Telegraph Blood Orange Ale," which I liked even more than Blue Moon--and some nibbles. Talked and talked and talked about quantum physics and all kinds of supernatural stuff in which Diane is heavily invested: "But it's in books, I have books on that, I read the books that tell me your thoughts make an aura around your head that eventually merges with others' and forms the universe...." And so on.
But what the hell, I like her and we argue, but pleasantly. She called me a materialist, as if that was a pejorative term, but yes, indeed, not only do I admit it, I'm proud of it. We also bemoaned that fact that we're both taking trips next week, me to New Mexico, her to Chicago, and both our planes leave LAX at 9:30 am. I'm going to have a taxi take me to the Sheraton for the shuttle and I gave her the number.
While we were there, I got a call from Denise S., program director for the museum, saying she'd put me in touch with the museum's costumer re my gig at the county fair.  On the same topic, I stopped into a shop after leaving Diane; they do mostly Renaissance, but said they'd make me a Victorian. It would run from four to six hundred bucks.  Well, thanks anyway. 
Called El just as she and Greg got home about 9:00. She was very appreciative of me being there.  Now I must start getting serious about this trip--I leave in only four days!

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Solar And Stuff

I had set my phone alarm for 6:00, got up, dressed, had coffee, and made the bed before the solar panel guys came a little before 7:00.  There were two youngish guys, very polite and friendly.  They said it would take several hours--up to eight, in fact--as Ellen had told me. I asked them to lock the front door after them and packed up a few things, including my breakfast cottage cheese, bread, and orange. Had that at home, then went to WinCo for supplies. Stopped at Sprouts and finally got my $4.99 a pound shrimp. I prepared my usual large salad lunch and put it in the fridge. Drove to Kimball and did the walk, even though it was afternoon and hot as hell.
When I got back in the car, I looked at the e-mail on my phone, and found a reply from my widder group friend, Barbara Quaid. I had asked if she could show me where I'd be doing the Carrie Dudley thing in "Uncle Leo's Barn." She wrote back and asked if I could come then--"today at 1:00." It was about 12:15 and I immediately replied I would, so drove directly to the fairgrounds.
Barb has been CEO of the fairgrounds for thirty years (she turns 70 in a few months) and yoicks, what an office she has! It's very large with big windows and is filled with all kinds of fair memorabilia, antique and otherwise. The display is not tacky, but very tasteful in built-in niches, nicely appropriate frames, and shadow boxes. She gave me a big hug when her secretary showed me in, later introducing me to James, one of her employees "because he's from Jersey, too" (New Brunswick).
After we chatted a bit, Barb took me out to the grounds and "the barn" where I'll do my thing. Okay, I was glad to get at least some idea of the venue, although it wasn't set up with a stage so far. Walking back to her office, Barb and I bonded, ranging over topics such as men (and how the older they get, the more self-centered they seem), self-euthanasia (we're both solidly in favor), and the similarity of our husbands' deaths (both heavy smokers, hers lung cancer, mine emphysema) and, most bonding of all, I should be ashamed to record (and my tongue's in cheek), our own heavy cigarette habits in times gone by.  After the fair is over, we'll agreed to go to lunch, hugged goodbye, and off I went.
Didn't get lunch until 2:30, but that was okay. I went to town after, parked at the museum and went in to ask if they had a costume expert. They do, Anna somebody, and I left a note asking her to contact me with a view to finding an appropriate Carrie costume.
Did my walk and when I got to the library, was surprised to see it was closed. I thought it might be because of the heat (last year that happened), but a sign said there was a "major water leak." Okay, so I just walked back. Stopped into Rumfish, where I'll meet Diane this afternoon for Happy Hour, just to look the place over. Bought gifts for the granddaughters,which I'll send to New Mexico ahead at a trendy little expensive shop called "Passport." Stopped at Von's and got a mediocre Lean Cuisine for dinner.
Back at El's, I found the air on and everything okay. Called Betty and we talked. She goes back to Jersey today, but will return in just another week.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Ojai And Toastmasters

Here I am in Ojai, where I'll now be until tomorrow.
Yesterday, I got up at my usual, 5:15 (I seem to be programmed that way), and after coffee, walked from here to Von's, which I'd say approximates my Kimball walk or is a bit longer. After breakfast, I got a call from John Martin, the pastor emeritus of the Congregational Church here, where the Dudleys had worshipped.  (I had contacted the present pastor and she had asked him to call.) He's a very nice guy and told me he had known both Alice Knox and Johanna, both of whom either were grandchildren or married into the family.  Nancy called to say she had to go for blood work on Tuesday, so could I meet for lunch yesterday, instead? Sure could, and we did.
We went to the Ojai Beverage Company and enjoyed it. I had a "flight" of beer--samples of four kinds--and a mushroom burger. We chatted away, of course--darn, I had forgotten Nancy's birthday is on Sunday, must think of what to get her--before parting.
I went from there back to my apartment to pick up my phone charger and mouse. I lay down for a nap, as I hadn't slept too soundly at El's, then got up to shower, dress, and take off for Dudley House and the Toastmasters meeting.
This went well. We inducted the new officers, ditto some new members, and had a good meeting. Unusually for this chapter, we even had refreshments. El called in the middle to say they wanted to stay in Pismo Beach another day, so would I stay over, again? Sure, no prob, so I will.  Happily, I found two blouses in the back room at Dudley House, which I'm hoping may complete my outfit for the county fair thing. Darn, I hope so.
I left slightly early, as I didn't want to drive to Ojai in full dark, and got back here sometime after 8:00. Had my blueberries, found Forensic Files on El's TV, watched for a time, then went to bed and happily, slept like a log this time.
The solar panel people will be here in an hour, so must dress.

Monday, July 09, 2018

Dudley And Ojai

Kimball, then the Sunday thing.
I tried on the Victorian outfits Connie lent me; unfortunately, none of them--two skirts, two petticoats, two blouses, and a belt--fit. They were either impossibly tight or too long.  I have to look further.
I e-mailed Docent Director Lynne to see if she could let me in the upstairs at Dudley House. When she responded with a barely civil message, making sure I knew what an inconvenience it was for her, I wrote back that I may skip it. I then called Sheri, who was happy to meet there at 1:00.
We met and went through the house as I took pictures and borrowed a few artifacts, including an old washboard. This took an hour and a half (Sheri is not speedy), but was productive, especially as I found two skirts I might possibly wear for my talk.
After that, I packed up and took off for town. It was damned hot, but I did my walk, then drove to Ellen's in Ojai. Not sure what the temp was there, but probably 90 or above and it still is. However, she has central air and it felt divine. I had no sooner walked in then El called from Pismo Beach. They had gone to San Luis Obispo and ran into a gay pride festival, which they enjoyed and El took some pictures.
For dinner, I just put together this and that I found in fridge and cupboard: salsa, crackers, pecans, and fruit. Took a drive after, but then read my book and watched television. When you watch only twenty-year-old sitcoms and the formulaic Forensic Files, it's truly horrifying to see the standard semi-literate garbage presumably swallowed by the general population.
Went to bed at my usual, but had trouble sleeping. I had felt a little chilly, so turned the air down, but that was too hot, so I put it back down.
I had had a little problem getting on to El's internet, but succeeded and now here I am, at my girl's place. I'll go back to my apartment later, as I forgot to bring my mouse and my phone charger. I'll probably stay there most of the day, as I had Poinsettia Toastmasters at 6:30.

Sunday, July 08, 2018

More Pool

After Kimball, breakfast, and salad prep, I was surprised to get a call from CC, of Toastmasters, asking if we could meet for coffee. Okay, sure, and I strolled over to McDonald's (her choice, not mine) to see her. She wanted to talk about the meeting tomorrow at Dudley House and said, among other things, that she thought the chapter should be better organized. I couldn't agree more and we talked. I also told her I was not anxious to act as general evaluator (it's a lot more complicated than I had thought) and she said she'd ask Sue to do it. Better for me, as I'm going to be spending the night at Ellen's today and tomorrow (she and Greg leave for Pismo Beach today) and I don't particularly want to stay late and drive to Ojai in the dark.
El had said she'd be over at noon and so she was. I had prepared romaine and tomatoes for our salads and was pleased to use my new three-compartment serving dish for chopped chicken, chopped cucumbers, and sliced onions, so we could each prepare our own.
We then changed and went to the pool. It felt great, of course, and once we cooled off, we got in the hot tub, then sat with Suzanne for a bit.  After a few hours, El left to run some errands, me to shower, dress, and take off for town. Walked my walk and enjoyed it, getting back about 6:15.
Called Nancy and we made a date for lunch on Tuesday at The Beverage House in Ojai. I had a good dinner of fresh tuna, fresh spinach, and fresh Brussels sprouts and they were all yummy.

Saturday, July 07, 2018

The Pool And Happy Hour(s)

Walked Kimball, then to T.O.P.S. an hour later. Hmm...I gained this week--not much, but I'm now at 129.7, almost two pounds more than ideal, and I'm going to address the problem.
After getting weighed in, I didn't stay for the meeting, saying I had some early appointments. Well, I did, sort of, but mostly I find it so boring, I want scream, plus I get hungry for breakfast. Had that, then went to the mall to exchange the top part of my swim suit for a larger size. Size 12 fit fairly well, but seemed snug and the 14 is better.
Ellen called when I got home to say she was on her way to the dentist's office (needed an adjustment to her new crown) and would stop at Subway for a sandwich, then come here. She did, we had lunch, then went off to the pool.
Oh, heaven in a liquid! It was very hot, 90 or thereabouts, and the water was sublime--cool, but not cold, and crystal clear. Suzanne was there (she has fibroneuralgia* and swims every day, which seems to help) and we hung out with her. Went in the hot tub once we had cooled off, then I had to go home and change to meet Diane. El stayed in the pool (she has a key to my apartment) and said she might be back today.
Went home, dressed without bothering to shower, and took off for town. Met Diane at the Aloha at 3:00, at which point we found out Happy Hour wasn't until 4:00. We noticed that the restaurant in the Crown Plaza across the square, has H.H. at 3:00 and went over there for cold beer and calamari. At 4:00, we sashayed back to the Aloha and had a glass of Chardonnay and dark bread.
We talked and laughed and regaled each other with stories of our youth--what fun! Before we said goodbye, we agreed to meet at the Rumfish in town for Happy Hour next Wednesday. Diane went back to her place on Main Street and I did my town walk on the promenade that borders the beach. Went from there to the end of the pier--the longest in southern California--and back. It was so good to be there with all the  frolicking people and the beautiful blue Pacific, with its waves rolling in.
From there, I went to WinCo to get salad fixings, then to get gas. El called to say she'd come again today and I told her I'd fix lunch for the two of us.
*I can't spell it and neither can the numskulls at Spellcheck.

Friday, July 06, 2018

Connie And Costumes

Met up with Carolyn and Bob walking Kimball (along with, of course, their surviving little weiner, Hazel), plus Shelley with her guys, Joey (woof) and Bob (non-woof). Got home a bit after 7:00. Did various after breakfast, then turned my attention to Caroline Dudley and her info. I've started shaping up my talk, but am only on the preliminary, of course.
Connie and I had agreed to meet at 4:15 at the Royal Bakery near WinCo. Lots of construction is going on in that shopping center, so planned to sit outside, as she was coming from the dog groomer's and had both her doggies with her. Drove to town for my walk after lunch. Home, I jumped in the shower, washed my hair, then set off to meet Connie.
I had waited about 20 minutes at the Royal Bakery when Connie called, very apologetic, to say the vet had called and she had to pick the dogs up. Lots of this, that, and phone calls went on and until I suggested we meet at the mall, where I wanted to look for a gift for Violet. (Did, but didn't see anything I liked.)  We finally met at the outside patio (because of the dogs) of California Kitchen, but at six something, two hours after we had planned.
We both ordered glasses of Chardonnay and arugula salad, then spent the next hour and a half talking Carrie and Dudley House. I was thrilled when Connie told me she had brought two costumes to see if I can use them, but surprised when she asked if I minded that she'll enter the contest, also.  She'll represent Heritage Square in Oxnard, one of the many historic places in which she's involved.  Of course, I said I didn't, but I was a little taken aback: She's my adviser, so to speak, and now she'll also be a competitor.  However, no biggie, and I was so thrilled to get the costumes (haven't tried them on yet) that I can absorb that surprise.
Ellen called while I was with Connie to say the dentist had to do something or other with her crown today and since it was going to be a hundred degrees in Ojai, how about her coming over, bringing her lunch, and going to the pool after? Sounds good, although I'm meeting Diane for Happy House at 3:00, but El can simply stay on.  Darn, I finally tried on my bathing suit and the top is a little snug. I want to go back to get a 14, but am not sure if I'll have time before El gets here. I have T.O.P.S. this morning, too, but I guess I can handle it all.
Said goodbye to Connie, took the costumes, and got home at 7:30.

Thursday, July 05, 2018


I toyed with the idea of skipping Kimball, as I had to be at Ellen's at 8:30, but resisted the temptation. Walked very early, was home by 7:00, had breakfast, and took off for Ojai.
I chatted with Greg before he left for work, then El took me to the gathering place to meet up with the peace group. I got there at 9:00, much too early, as the parade didn't start until 10:00, and we were number 42 of 61. However, I met some kindred spirits and it was great to chat with them. The organizers, Brian and Lisa provided some nicely-made signs--mine had "One Humanity" on one side and "Ojai, City of Peace" on the other. We gave the "vee" peace sign as we marched and what a pleasure it was that so many applauded us and returned it. I'm convinced the majority of ordinary people are anti-war and weary of the constant U.S aggression. Ironically, we followed a garish float with somebody on a loudspeaker how grateful we should be to "our heroes."
 The route was down Main Street about two miles. The weather was warm, but not hot, sunny and beautiful, and it felt good to walk the two miles for peace.
It was over at 11:30 and it took Ellen a while to pick me up, but she did and we went back to her house for--yum! the wine slush I had in her freezer. She made hamburgers, baked beans, and corn on the cob, all delicious, and we sat outside on her patio to eat. After, I went into El's bedroom to change into shorts and fell sound asleep on her bed. Slept for about two hours and felt great when I woke up. We talked for a few hours after that and I left about 5:00. Good day and a good way to mark the fourth of July.

Wednesday, July 04, 2018

They're Gone

Well, the guy and the girls are gone (sob!) They left for Denver about 7 am from Ellen's; happily, I'll see them soon again in New Mexico.
 I walked Kimball and was surprised and gratified at how many of my park pals remarked on my absence on Monday. Did this and that around the apartment, then went to the mall and bought a bathing suit and another pair of the pajamas I like. I then met Nancy for the 2:10 movie, Life of the Party.
Boy, it was so bad, I wouldn't even call it a dog--more like an orangutan or maybe an amoeba. Story line and scrip were on the third-grade level, if that, and it was as contrived and forced as it gets. Just plain dumb, sez I.
After, we enjoyed our usual wine and goat cheese plate at The Cave. Nancy asked if she could join Diane and me at the Aloha on Friday and, sure, I don't see why not. Stayed talking until after 6:00, at which point we said goodbye.
I was determined to do my afternoon walk, which I had skipped for the several days my gang was here. Drove to town, walked to the library and back, and was glad I did. One of the thing I love about summer is that I didn't get home until 7:30 and it was still light.
Fourth of July parade today; I'll march for peace.

Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Santa Barbara

I'm getting to be a slug-a-bed: just got up and it's 6:30 am.  Plus, for the first time in months, I didn't walk Kimball yesterday. but I will today.
Arrived at Ellen's about 9:00. Mike and girls were already in Santa Barbara, visiting a games store (Violet loves them) and doing something else or other.  I left my car and El drove to SB via the scenic route, way up high and truly beautiful. We met M., V., and V. at an In-And-Out, which we did, then Carolyn, Betty, and Claire arrived. We greeted each other with hugs and kisses, ordered, and sat to eat and, of course, talked and talked and talked.
Went back to Carolyn's and hung out while the girls bonded in Claire's room. Mike then took them to a trampoline place (better them than me) before rejoining us. The four of us went to Shoreline Drive Park for a walk (probably no more than a mile).  We walked fairly slowly, but Betty still had to sit down at the end, while Carolyn, Ellen, and I took a fairly steep path down to the beach.  When we came up, we three walked briskly to the car, and drove back to get her.
Back to Carolyn's, Mike gathered up the three girls and took them to the beach. Carolyn, Ellen, Betty, Finn, and I then went to a possible rental for Betty and good grief, wowee, and holy smokes, this almost knocked our eyes out.
It was located high up in the hills, a huge estate and gigantic house, just quintessentially California--or rather, wealthy Santa Barbara.  We spent about an hour there and were shown the apartment (quirky) and the house (spectacular).  The owners are Stan (an attorney, but more significant, a philanthropist) and Betty, who had owned a modeling agency. Oh, by the by, Cheryl Tiegs and others we recognized, had been her clients.
After our tour of the house and magnificent grounds (elegant pool, succulent gardens, fountains, and more) and some chatter (Carolyn has written grants for some of the organizations Stan has patronized), we left.  Attractive as the place is, it's probably much too isolated for Betty, but boy, if I wanted to live in SB, I'll move there in a heartbeat.
Went back to Carolyn's, Mike picked up the girls, and we all had a lively dinner of pizza. Great fun--we always have fun there--and didn't leave until 8:00. We drove separately back to El's, I said goodbye to three of my dear ones (I'll see them in New Mexico in two weeks), and drove home. Got in a bit before 9:00, stayed up for another hour, and that was it.
What a life and what a family--yay for us!


Monday, July 02, 2018

Another Good One

And the beat goes on...
After Kimball and the Sunday morning thing, El called to say the Terrific Trio from abroad were going hiking, then something else, then would come to Ventura. That was fine by me, as I needed the time to get some things done.
Did a big load of clothes, ran the dishwasher, cleaned up the place, and went to WinCo and other places for provisions, as I had almost nothing in the fridge.  Decided to invite the family over for dinner and bought some chicken thighs (I almost never get breast, as I think the darker meat is more flavorful and moist), plus veggies. I wanted to have something I could quickly prepare and that would keep, so if they wanted to come, great; if not, no prob, I'd just have it myself tomorrow.  I oiled and seasoned the chicken, then roasted it in the oven, covered it, and stowed it in the fridge, along with a bag of fresh spinach, and a few other sides. I actually went to look for a bathing suit and tried on a few, but didn't buy.
After lunch, Mike messaged me--I think I've finally gotten the hang of that on my phone--saying they'd be at the Ventura beach. After some slip-ups and a delay of about a half hour which there's no point in recording, I found them on beach number two, and we had a great time. Little Violet is a fish in the water and Vivian did some gymnastics on the beach.
Mike and Violet went back in the water and Viv and I sat chatting on the beach (by this time, it was after 5:00) when the lifeguard came up to us. He mentioned how he had seen Viv doing her thing and complimented her on it.  What a cute guy!  I drew him out a little: name is Kevin, he goes to Ventura College and is majoring in chemistry. Why, what a coincidence: Viv likes science, too. He asked if she went to school here and she said, no, she lives in Singapore. And so on... When he walked away, Viv and I looked at each other and giggled. We agreed Kevin is a dreamboat--or to put it in 2018 terms, as Viv did, is "hot." It's so much fun being with her.
When they finally got their fill of the Pacific, we left in our separate cars to go to Target, which the girls love. Were there for a bit and Mike decided we'd eat out, rather than at my place, which was fine by me. I suggested the Black Angus and that's where we went. By this time, it was 8:00, two hours past my usual dinnertime, but I didn't care.
Had another good time--the girls acting silly together, which I love to see--then went home. This morning, Mike messaged me to ask if I'd get to El's about 9:00, as we're all off to Santa Barbara for cousins' day--yay! 

Sunday, July 01, 2018

Terrific Day

What a terrific day we had! After Kimball and breakfast, El called and asked me to come over about 9:30, but I misread the clock and got there at 9:00.  Mike, Greg, and the girls had gone out to breakfast and El and I met them later at Bart's Books.
This is a fabulous used books place, well-known to people around the globe, it seems. It had been a one-story house at one time and you could get lost in the small rooms that open out one to another. The books are generally arranged in categories, one or more to a room. (We were charmed by the fact that the former kitchen--with some counters and cabinets still there--contain cook books.) We all dipped into, then bought a book or books, including the girls.
After that, we went to the Lavender Festival in the park. It was a gorgeous day, maybe 75, sunny, but with a light breeze. El and I bought lavender, which has such a lovely scent, and I got some "wine slush" packets, one of which, mixed with Chardonnay, is in El's freezer now.
Lunch of leftover tacos, then we took off for Shelf Road, a trail of about a mile up and around a steep hill. I walk three miles a day, every day, but even for me, this was pretty strenuous. It was fun, though, and we all made it.
Back to El's for a bit, then to my place to change for the pool. The girls loved it and so did Mike. El didn't  have her suit and I don't have one, but we enjoyed watching the hi jinks and our feet in the hot tub. We then went to Target for Vivian to use the gift card El gave her for her graduation.
I had said I wanted to take them out for dinner at the new Stone Fire Grill and by the time we got there, it was after 7:00. We approached the place and hoo boy--the crowd was three deep outside the door.  I should have realized it would be jammed, especially on a Friday night.
El called Two Trees to see if they had a wait and luckily, they didn't, so we went there. It's a modest place, but the food is really good, and we all enjoyed it. We parted after that and I went home.
I can't remember what the agenda is for today, but it may be bike-riding in the morning. In that case, I'm going to wait until later to join the gang, as I have to get some clothes washed.


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...