Thursday, November 21, 2024


Left a bit before 8:00 for the transit center and from there, got the 8:45 bus to Santa Barbara. Julie called while I was on my way to discuss what seems to be a fiasco with the party for the Hondurans. Sandy Schultz, who hosts it and invited us, sent me an envelope without an address as to where the party is and send Julie an envelope with an address that started with 0 in Thousand Oaks--there's no such thing. Hey, maybe we'd better forget about the party.

After some confusion (all on my part), Carolyn picked me up and off we went to Villa Alamar. We found Betty in the rec room (residents had just made apple pies--don't ask) and took her to her room, where we sat and chatted for 45 or so. It's never a real conversation, of course--Betty responds to questions with totally unrelated answers, but it was enjoyable. Betty no longer walks; she's in a wheelchair all the time now. Her legs are getting stiff and Carolyn rubbed and moved them around. 

Carolyn and I then took Betty to the dining room for lunch, then we went to La Paloma in the heart of Santa Barbara. The logo reminds me of a vaguely religious symbol:

Over my protests, Carolyn treated. though the place is pretty pricey. We had a fine time talking, of course--just as I do with my daughters, we talk freely, openly, and honestly about a number of topics. No lectures, no advice, just listening to each other. 

After lunch, we went back to Villa Alamar to say goodbye to Betty. I always get emotional then and yesterday was no exception, but I recovered quickly. We had planned to have Carolyn drive me to the bus, which I would take back to Ventura, but instead, she insisted on driving me the thirty miles. She didn't come in, as it was getting heavy on the 101, but we hugged goodbye after a very enjoyable day.                  

Got home and checked my email, and found there was a problem with a credit card. It's so long and involved I don't want to go into it, but I was on the phone with BMO for an hour. My credit rating is "exceptional" and damn it, I don't want it to change. I hope it's resolved, but I fear it isn't.     

Ellen called and brought me up to date on the renovations (finished and satisfactory) and the company coming in, Mike on Saturday, Vivian on Thanksgiving Day. Looking forward to seeing them, of course.

Was sound asleep when I got a call from Victoria Care Center--at 11:00 PM! Jim had been taken to the ER because he "complained of a pain in his left knee," but treated and released. I'm debating whether to suggest they hold off calling me until--say 5:00, but I realize the nurses work in shifts and this was the night person. I'll think about whether to see if some compromise can be reached.  

Lib lunch with Diane today. .Hope the weather warms up--noon, when we meet, is predicted to be only up to 66 degrees. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...