Friday, November 08, 2024


 After breakfast, I swept Suzanne's and my front walk of the debris that came down with the wind. Made my lunch and took off for Victoria Care Center, first dropping in the mail my checks for BCNN dues and the holiday party. Walked close to two miles to VCC, but I felt good and it was a nice day, the wind having died down considerably, which was such a relief.

Got to Jim's room and was pleased to see he was in a wheelchair, not in bed. He has improved a lot, which was ever better. Now, I mean he's improved over how he had been the last time I saw him; he still has a way to go. He said his sores were healing well and we had a good talk. I also met his roommate--i.e., the guy on the other side of the privacy curtain. His name is Steve and he seems like a good guy. He's 72; I'm not sure he's in Victoria.

While I was there, the nurse came in with Jim's lunch and I asked if I could get mine and eat with him. "Sure," she said, and I did. Ho, ho, naughty me--naturally, I had my Voodoo Ranger IPA, which accompanied my sandwich. Jim actually got a kick out of that. I stayed about 45 minutes and we had a good talk. I must remember to bring him another book next time.  I asked Jim if they have a library--I wouldn't be surprised if they do, considering almost all there are elderly--but he didn't know. I'll ask the social worker.

I planned to bus to Kohl's, but I walked instead. That was another mile, so I got good exercise. Used my gift card to buy something for those in N.J., then bused to the mall to see if Target got any grapefruit in. They hadn't, but I got some Roma tomatoes.  At Kohl's, I ran into my old (not aged old 😁) Kimball Park walking buddy, Diane, and we happily chatted. I hadn't seen her for several years, at least. 

Sent an email to Sandy Shultz to get her address so Julie and I can attended her party with Hondurans on December 1. Damn, I hope it's not in Camarillo--not sure if the fires had waned. 


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Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...