Tuesday, November 05, 2024


After my shower, I called the Little Egg Harbor Zoning Office in fear and trembling to get to the bottom of the rejection of my homeowners insurance. After a great dal of back and forth with Monica, my liaison there, I found that the state had sent out the requirement that this years' insurance be raised by $200,000! That brings mine to a huge sum, which I won't reveal, but it's surely more than what my house is worth. However, since I have until December 31, I'm much relieved and can deal with it easily.

Left at 10:00 for Soaring Spirit lunch. I usually walk the mile and some to Telephone Road, then take the 11 to Stone Fire Grille, but I just didn't feel like it, so bused both routes. So pleased, as ever, to see Vera and Susan, and there were three other men, but I didn't get a chance to talk to them. Glendall (no, I never heard that name before, either) came in and sat next to me. Across from us was obnoxious Fred. He never shuts up and I wasn't in the mood to be tolerant, but as happens with many bores, he didn't notice my bitchiness. Anyway, it was fun to be with the gang.

Bused from there to Target at the mall to get grapefruit, but horrors, they didn't have any! I asked the produce clerk about it and she said they had ordered them, but they didn't come in . Darn, I  hope this isn't a trend. I did buy several pounds of onions, sweet peppers, plant milk, and this IPA:

I love craft beers!

Home, I immediately chopped the onions and peppers separately, then seasoned and fried a portion of the onions, then stored them separately in the freezer. Now, the next time I buy ground turkey, I can use, after added some stray veggies.

I was pleased when a rep from Primary Medical called to react to my reaction, i.e., my response to their "survey" about my satisfaction with them. I don't often respond to these things--because why should I do their marketing for them?--but I wanted to let them know I was impressed with the P.A. and annoyed about them closing for lunch--and the caller was friendly and courteous.

Also got a call from Victoria Care Center from Jim's nurse. She wanted to let me know he had fallen out of his wheel chair and wants to order for him some kind of device to present that. She was very nice and I didn't mention it, but good grief, she called at 10:30 at night! That's the univalent of my friend, Pat, being called at five am, so of course, I had been sound asleep. However, I didn't mention it and I appreciated her calling. I'll try to get over to see him on Thursday.

Lunch with Diane today across from her place, after I donate some items to Goodwill. She'll get a kick out of the Voodoo Ranger.

*Note ot myself: Her name is Sandra.


Anonymous said...

" but as happens with many bores, he didn't notice my bitchiness.” Perfect and I’ll remember it when I often feel bad. I seem to run into these kind of people more and more. They are mostly ones who only want to tell me about themselves, their family, their world. I, too, must do some of it, but I make a point to be aware of how I’m coming across to others because in truth I really don’t care much about their lives but I must act like I do to be civil. Don’t get me wrong I do care about many people with whom I interact but it’s a limited number.
Sorry to hear about JIm. I wouldn’t want that phone call at 10 PM or 5 AM. I think because you’re listed as the person to be notified they call at the time of the incident in case it gets worse and then the designated person claims they were not notified when it happened. Curiously are you listed as his Health Care Surrogate….the person who can make medical decisions for him when he cannot?

Mimi said...

I don't think I'm listed as authorized o make medical decisions, Pat. I certainly hope not, as I'm not in the least qualified. Wouldn't I have to be asked and sign something to that effect? I had the idea Jim was under some kind of county authority, being found the way he was. So far, they've contacted me to bring me up to date on his progress (or lack thereof). I glad you mentioned that, though, because I plan to visit and will ask for a meeting with the social worker.

Anonymous said...

You probably have named someone to be your Health Care Surrogate in case you cannot make decisions. I’m not sure one signs to accept the role. The person designating you signs a form naming you.
Check if he’s a DNR or are YOU going to be called if he stops breathing which we all will one day.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to sign my name above…./PMR

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Pat, I'll ask the social worker.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...