Wednesday, November 13, 2024


I felt very much better yesterday--maybe a bit still "off my feed," to use an old-time expression, but not bad. Today, I'm completely well.

Since I had slept so much of Tuesday, I thought I'd be wakeful last night, but I wasn't. I wasn't hungry for breakfast, so skipped it and just had coffee. Usually, I drink two mugs: one when I first get up, the second with breakfast, but just had one mug.

Put in a white wash, went out to get the mail, and cut up and roasted some yellow potatoes, but that's all I did that was active--didn't run any marathons.. I just spent the day relaxing with cryptograms and email. Wasn't hungry until about 1:00 and then I had a can of ravioli. It's been years since I've eaten the stuff and boy, what ever possessed me to buy it? It's terrible. However, I didn't have a reoccurrence of my stomach problem, so that's good.  

Spent time organizing our T.O.P.S. brunch, which we'll have on the 22nd. Lora will make waffles, Sharon will bring eggs and stuff, Bobbi will bring bagels and cream cheese, and Cheryl will bring fruit. Don't know yet what Lennie and Bev are bringing. I called Maria, but I emphasized to all of them not to go overboard--we usually only have five at the meetings and I don't expect any more. 

Talked to niece Carolyn and we'll try again next Wednesday. She still went to see Betty yesterday and that sweet girl texted me this picture:

Carolyn had given Betty the baby and she likes to hold it. That knowledge alone breaks my heart. 

Ellen called and happy day--the contractors are finished re-doing the guest room and she herself pointed the door leading to the outside. She'll paint the one to the laundry room later. She also tipped the workers to move the full bed from the other guest room and will buy a twin. I hope Mike and Vivian appreciates the time, effort, and money she put into this project. Of course, it isn't just for them, but to get the house in shape to sell, but they'll be the first ones to take advantage of it.   

I was glad when Suzanne called and asked if I wanted to go to WinCo this morning. Sure thing, and we'll leave at 9:00.. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...