Saturday, November 16, 2024


I was down 1.2 at home and down 1.7 at T.O.P.S. to 126.6 and 127.3, respectively. The meeting was partly one of our therapy sessions and partly about the brunch I'll host here next week. We all decided we'd simply simply get weighted, then eat and visit, rather than have a regular meeting--fine by me. 

Ellen called to ask if I had electricity hers in Ojai was out, which seems to happen fairly frequently (I don't think I've ever had an outage in Ventura). She speculated that someone had hit the transformer--again--and darned if she was right, as I found out later. 

It was after 11:00 when I finished breakfast and I spent some time on Facebook, then did a few boring,  this 'n' that chores. I decided to walk to the P.O. to see how much a package I may or may not send to Jersey would cost. However, when I got outside, it was chilly--62 degrees--and the wind had kicked up again. Darn, I just had to turn back, even though it's only two blocks away.  Went back and decided to tackle some food prep instead. I had a lot of fresh veggies, so I did a stir-fry prep with the tomatoes, mushrooms, sweet pepper, plus ground turkey, of course, Because I now have a freezer more or less full, I decided to stow them in the freezer, and did.

Called SCAN to have Uber pick me up for my dermatologist appointment on Tuesday. So far, I've never booked a return trip, because I prefer to go somewhere after and bus home.

Mike Face-Messaged me. He has some obvious lesions healing on his nose--yes, Basel cell--one of which will get surgery next month. I was surprised to hear he was leaving for Shenyang, China, last night, to visit the childhood home of  a friend of his, for four days. I'm looking forward to seeing him a week from today, when he comes in for Thanksgiving. Oops, that reminds me: I had asked Suzanne and Vickie which day they'd like to go to lunch at The Little Lion, next Saturday or Sunday, but I'll have to switch that because Mike comes in on Saturday.

Also, re The People's Republic of China, I found this video by economist Richard Wolff. It's an hour long, but I watched every second. It rings true and I defy anyone to prove otherwise:

On a lighter note, I found this on Facebook--love it, love it, LOVE IT:

About 4:00, I went over to Von's to pick up a few things, so now my larder is full and I'll be eating down what I have stocked in. 

For the third time in the last year, I got Wordle in two. Only once have I gotten it in one and that was a few years ago. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...