Wednesday, November 27, 2024


A fun day.  The Access Van got me to Ojai and Ellen's at 10:30. After the three of us chatted for a bit, Ellen continued cleaning the oven and Mike and I went to Rains Department Store. I like this place a lot--seems to me they have items you don't see anywhere else, including cards by local artists and so on. It's pricy, yes, but worth it. I didn't buy anything yesterday, but will go back with list in hand. The Rainbow Bridge is right behind Rains, so he and I went there after to say hello to Greg. He's going to make fish on Thanksgiving and Ellen will do the turkey.

Mike and I then went to Westridge Market to get some things Ellen needed. I had planned to get the ingredients for my pumpkin pie, but the place was very busy, it was hard to find things, and when I saw the prices of the ginger and cloves, I decided to go today to Von's for them, as well as all the other items. I did buy myself a turkey sandwich on a croissant for lunch. 

Back at El's, we ate, talked, and otherwise amused ourselves. I took a brief nap on Ellen's bed (I like hers almost as much as mine), then she and I watched some of the documentary Grey Gardens T.V., which features Jackie O.'s eccentric aunt and cousin. I believe it was made years ago. 

Later, we settled in for yet another cutthroat game of gin. I was losing badly (Mike cheats, El insists, and her muse was asleep or something), but incredibly, I rallied and won. Nobody was more surprised than I was. It was a lot of fun, as ever, as we don't take it seriously.

The Access van took me home and I got in by 7:00. My friend, David W., the ornithologist, texted me to offer a half dozen avocados. I accepted with pleasure and when I got home, I found them at my door.  

Mike will come over today and clean up some of the lingering questions about my new laptop. Then I'll start the crust for the pie. 

Oops, almost forgot to mention the news that I'm starting a new career in agriculture. Here I am with one of my offerings, which Mike bought yesterday: 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...