Saturday, November 02, 2024


Weight was up both at home (a pound, to 128.6) and T.O.P.S. (.05 of a pound to 129.1), but no big deal. There was a a mix-up about the meeting venue: leader Lennie had texted Bev that it would be at my place today, whereas that won't be until next week. Anyway, we straightened it out and indeed, we'll meet here next week while floors are being laid at Trinity Lutheran.

Didn't get home until fairly late, put the bath rugs in to wash, so didn't  finish breakfast until almost 11:00. I then--finally--dusted and mopped the hard floors and put the the rugs in to wash. I was alarmed when I got an email from some outfit called SDL Portal to the effect that my mercantile license was denied because I need a higher amount of insurance. I called Little Egg Zoning Office and left a message, but probably won't hear from them until Monday.  

Another annoying happenstance: Ellen texted me to the effect that she had tried to called, but got a message to the effect that I wasn't taking calls at this time. What--since when? After a great deal of travail with Cricket Wireless, I discovered that I had accidentally put the wrong debit numbers on my automatic payment thing. The resulting crapola is just too long and boring to explain, but I got it straightened out. 

Decided to eat in the middle of the complex, as the sun was shining, so packed my lunch and did so. Ellen called just as I was finishing and we had a good, long talk. She bought a new slow cooker and made some delicious chicken soup; we also discussed Thanksgiving when Mike and Vivian will be here. After I ate, I went to Von's for salmon and other goodies. While there, I ran into one of my neighbors, whom I had just seen around the complex. Yesterday, though, she greeted me pleasantly and we fell into conversation. Her name is Deidra (I'm sure that's not how it's spelled ,but Spellcheck doesn't seem to know, either) and she's lived here for more than twenty years. I enjoyed talking to her and hope we can get together for lunch sometime.  

As for darling little Vivian--not so little, she's 20 and in her senior year at U. of Hawaii--she texted me thanks for her Halloween card. She went to a dress-up concert on Halloween as the Black Swan and I asked her to send her picture:

And her little sister, Violet? At 17, she sure isn't moping around at home in Singapore. She and her scout troop are now in Borneo, according to her father, or in Bukit Lawang, Indonesia, according to her mother. I not quite clear on whether they're the same place or not. Here are the girls:

Good grief, that looks strenuous!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...