Monday, November 11, 2024


Unfortunately, I had trouble sleeping Sat. to Sun, even with the OTC sleep aid I've been taking. I tend to get up for the usual, then find it had to get back. However, it was the usual Sunday: my weekly med, changed the sheets, and did the crossword, which was so-so.

I finally did clean up the patio. Wow, so much debris of leaves and long pine needles. I filled three large shopping bags, then lugged them to the trash place. Looks a lot better, of course.

Packed my lunch and walked to Wal-Mart for light bulbs; I want the new, twisty ones--they cost more, but they last so incredibly long, they're the only ones I want. Wouldn't you know, Wal-Mart didn't have any. Maybe I'll go to Ace today and get them there. I did pick up Thanksgiving cards (I send to family) and a thank-you card to send Noreen for the lovely amaryllis. 

Ate my lunch in the circular plaza across from Ralph's. It's been a few months since I've been there and it was a beautiful day. I greatly enjoy the fountain and so do the birds. Bused home and stopped at Von's for cauliflower and red potatoes.

Thought I'd nap when I got home, but I didn't and that was good because I slept well last night. Called Ellen to catch up with her and her knee. She and it are progressing well; the P.T. said she was "on point" or "on progress" or whatever they say.  

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...