Friday, November 22, 2024

Thursday And Childhood

Slept okay, up at 6:30. Cleaned up a bit after breakfast, then packed my lunch and went to meet Diane at the library. Walking over the footbridge was a little cool for my taste, but once I got there, it was okay. Where we eat is in a fairly protected area between buildings with grass and foliage, so it's pleasant.

Talked and talked, of course, including a long discussion about Trump, whom Diane thinks is the anti-Christ--seriously. Well, he's pretty bad, of course, but so are the dems. Worse than either are the major media whores who service the death-dealing politicians of both stripes. So, yes, we had a lively discussion. (Why anyone would look at what passes for "news" is beyond me.)

We broke up about 3:30, I walked home and across from my place, I took this pic, which illustrates one of the many reasons I like living here:     

Sent a text to my tenant, Lori, asking about the water bill. She wrote back that she had been traveling and her mother, Pru, would have received the mail, including the water bill I sent.  Happily, she got home, found the bill and texted me she would go to the municipal building to pay it in person. Great--one knotty problem solved. 

The other--the business about the BMO credit card is still hanging and I was annoyed to get an email from Experien to say my credit rating has decreased. A few days ago it was exception, now, because of their error (that's my contention, anyway), it's--well whatever it is, I didn't bother to look at it. 

Friday, 5:35 am: When I opened the front door to get the paper just now, I found this at my door:

Niece Carolyn and I had talked, as we have before, about our childhoods, which are, as I think almost everybody's is, still a living presence in our lives--for better or worse. She mentioned how much this book had helped her and clearly, she sent it. Coincidentally, I just finished by current "read," The Cell, by that poor excuse for a writer, Robin Cook, so will start it today. 

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