Sunday, November 24, 2024


In the morning, in quick succession, I did a color, than a white wash. Got an email from management that on Tuesday, the water would be off for 3 to 5 hours between 9 am and 5 pm. Gee, nice, right before Thanksgiving, thanks a lot. 

Called the Access van and I'll be taken to Ellen's for lunch today, then picked up at 6 pm. El invited me to stay over on Thanksgiving, which I'll be happy to do. I'm gathering my supplies for the pumpkin pie, but I still need to buy some things, ginger and cloves in particular. 

It rained! Started about 9:30 and dripped off and on half-heartedly for several hours. Therefore, I didn't go out at all, except to get the mail. Annoying and I hope it doesn't start up again. 

Mike texted me at 3:00 to say he was already at Ellen's--good, I didn't think he'd be in that soon. Can't wait to see him today. 

The other day, I got this Thanksgiving card from the Tokyo Trio (names obscured, as I've been instructed not to reveal them):


I've been getting these handmade cards ever since Mr. K. was born, eleven years ago and, of course, I've saved every one of them. 

Other than the above, I just lazed around all day, playing my Jewel Match Royale, reading a bio of Alfred Hitchcock; I started No Bad Parts, but want to take it in stages. Otherwise, looked at YouTube, and mostly just spent the day idling. Showered and washed my hair before dinner (salmon and Brussels sprouts), then did more of the same--idling. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...