Wednesday, October 12, 2022


Walked to the P.O. to mail Vivian's Halloween card and spider earrings--postage only $5.50, so I sprung for it. From there, I bused to The Market and Wal-Mart for cheese cubes, napkins with fall leaves on them, and green disposable plates. Now, that last was really dumb; good grief, there would only be three of us and this wasn't some fancy party and I have a multitude of plates, plain and not, so why in the hell did I feel the need to get... ? Just felt like it, so what? 😛

Home and I got a call from Dr. Babbitt's office.  Today, I have a teeth-cleaning scheduled--UGH! How I envy my friend, Pat, who has such good teeth. I hate going to the dentist--it always seems to result in bad news one way or another. 😕

However, a better message popped up: Diane e-mailed me, asking if I could meet for lunch tomorrow at Urbane. We can bring our own lunch, but sit outside and have our little wine and beer, unlike at the free lunch last week at her place. Did I accept? Is the pope...? 😎

Suzanne and Vickie came at 5:00 and we had a good social session/happy hour/talk fest or whatever you want to call it. We were thrilled to hear that Vickie had won first place at the corporate games, representing Ventura County in pool--not swimming, of course, but the game of pool with a cue. I took a picture of her medal and her:

Also, she sent me some pictures of her and some of her opponents--all friendly ones, of course. Almost all were men--just a few women played. I tried to add some of her pics here, but they don't seem to want to go--maybe there's a copywrite? Anyway, we had an enjoyable time, yakking away. Suzanne stayed for about an hour, Vickie a little longer. 😃

I had offered both Vickie and Suzanne the drinks--the vile "hard Kombucha" Diane had given me and the calorie-laden soft drinks I had gotten free at Von's--but neither accepted. After they left, I put them in a sturdy bag and went to the grassy area next to my apartment. I had seen little Miles' Dad, Gabriel, and his friend, Michael, with their children (Michael has two, including an adorable little six-month-old). I was surprised that Gabe remembered my name. I offered his the drinks and he accepted--good, they're out of my fridge. 😁

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...