Sunday, October 02, 2022


Suzanne stopped in at 9:00 and we talked for almost an hour. We discussed Mary's condition (she was to have surgery for the broken hip today), as well as other matters. Suzanne brought up the DNR thing again, this time in reference to Mary.* 

After, I packed my lunch and walked to The Market and Wal-Mart. I had my little list--oatmeal, Stevia, tomatoes, peas, and so on--and got most. Stopped to eat at the "peace officer" memorial in the large, park-like area of several acres that surrounds the county buildings complex. Very pleasant. I wanted to show the brand new county flag (they never had one before) here, but it was a little too breezy:

Here's the actual county flag. Aesthetically, I think it's much the superior of the other two--the goofy state bear and the garish stars and stripes:

Walked home, rather than taking the bus, and when I got in, for some reason, maybe because it had gotten very warm, I felt tired. Put my things away, then took a nap of about an hour. 

Got a text from my Sunrise Bay friend, Leslie, just saying hello. I was sorry to hear she has Parlimalgia Rheumatica, which I'd never heard of it before. Unfortunately, she said it causes severe pain through her entire body; she's gotten some relief with pain meds, but it still hurts a lot.

After my nap, I cut up the three pounds of tomatoes I had bought, chopped four large onions, added my usual oil and seasonings, and put them in the slow cooker. Usually, I do these in the oven, but I think I actually like them better in the slow cooker. Chopped more onions and roasted them with seasonings; had some with dinner and oh, so yummy.

Made tentative selections for my flight to Jersey next month. Not sure if I'll take those actual ones, but will if I get the go-ahead from Jersey. Of course, I'm assuming one of them will crash and burn, killing all aboard, but at least I hope it's the returning one. 

* I sometimes think Suzanne is a little too anxious to guide people into peaceful deaths, which may be understandable for one who believes fervently in an afterlife. I have a DNR directive myself and, if it comes to that, I also want my kids to have a say in when I kick off.  Where Suzanne and I differ is that I believe my life--and  my life only--is mine and that I should have the right to decide to actively end it for any reason I choose. I haven't said this to Suzanne and I doubt if I will. I don't think there'd be any point to it and I have no wish to distress someone of whom I think highly.


iloveac said...

Come to NJ when the end is near. Assisted suicide is now legal. But no one can hand you the pills or start the must be able to do it yourself. Hmmm..why do they call it assisted then? I inquired of an Ethicist who did a presentation here. I was thinking of my friend Tom who'd gotten to where he could not hold a glass or take a pill. He would not have been eligible. He died with complications from CoVid and ALS.

Mimi said...

Assisted suicide is also legal in California, so I'd have no need to travel. Incidentally, in my extended family, there are at least two physicians who would most likely help, if need be; I don't want to get any more specific than that. BTW, I don't accept that the state has a right to deem a person is "eligible" or not; I would actively help someone in certain circumstances and I know people who would help me.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...