Tuesday, October 04, 2022


Showered before breakfast, ate, then decided I'd go across to Asurion, the computer place, where I have a contract, but just for the laptop). I was planning to offer the techie there thirty bucks to come over after work and get my T.V. running. Before I went, I thought I'd try one more time to restore it, although I assumed it was a lost cause. I brought it up, got the usual "network connection lost" message, then put in the password for the new router. Incredibly, it worked!  I don't know how or why, but no matter, it's back. I asked Suzanne in to see it and she was also amazed it was back on. She stayed for twenty minutes or so to tell me the saga of one Sister Pat, who has had to go into assisted living.  

Left for the Soaring Spirits lunch at 11:00 and got there early. Gayle, Susan, Dennis, and Debbie, a newbie, were there and I was delighted to see Anne, too. Anne is an R.N. and works nights, so isn't able to come to the dinners and usually, not the lunches, either.  I'm so fond of her, especially since her son lives in Hawaii and she started talking about she and I going there in 2023. Hey, maybe that will happen. Anne also teaches classes in pre-natal care. 

I was also delighted that Carolyn showed up. She, Nancy, Diane, and I used to go to Happy Hour together, but Carolyn was very apprehensive about COVID and didn't go out for a long time. She said she didn't know we were still meeting; no wonder, since she said she doesn't look at her email and has hundreds she hasn't seen. We were all surprised to realize Vera wasn't there. Susan said she had taken a sudden trip to Mexico, but none of us are sure why. 

Called Nancy when I got home to tell her about Carolyn at S.S. Ellen called on her way home--always a highlight of my day. She said Greg is going to Colorado on Thursday to see his son and little granddaughter. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...