Saturday, October 08, 2022


Weight: Up at both venues: 129.8 at home for a gain of 2.4 (that can't be accurate) and up to 139.1 at T.O.P.S. for a gain of a pound.

Jim came for lunch and since it was somewhat cool out (for here), I served a kind of rolled, baked pasta with cottage cheese baked in the oven.  I don't remember what they're called, but covered with red sauce and Italian cheese, we both liked them a lot.* Added a basket of corn bread (I had frozen what was left from the last time I made it), some crystal pickles, lemon cake for dessert, and that was lunch. 

Of course, it also included red wine. I had a bottle of cabernet someone had given me as a gift--I just can't remember who and it was a while ago--which I opened for Jim. I tried a small amount and boy, was that good--it's amazing to me that I can actually tell the difference between the good stuff and the ordinary, which is what I usually buy. For myself, I thought I'd try the "hard kombucha" Diane had given me:

The basic stuff is not alcoholic and is supposed to have health benefits (yeah, sure), but this is fermented--or something--and has an alcohol content of 4.5, which is very low. And the taste? Hey, if I could drink only this for a buzz, I'd become a  Seventh Day Adventist--UGH!  Like Vickie's non-alcoholic wine, it's vile. Think I'll ask if she'd like to have the three remaining.

We had our usual meandering conversation--yours truly doing 99 percent of the talking--and Jim expressed apprehension about his upcoming evaluation. He has reason, I'm afraid. Anyway, he stayed until 3:30, I walked him to my mailbox and we said goodbye. Went back home, cleaned up, then lay down. Napped about an hour and was awakened by an update by the Access Van, which will pick me up for the play tonight.  

Happy day: I just got up at 5:15, after sleeping through the night. For me, that's the best news of the week!

*Ha, ha, this shows the importance of placement in a sentence! It would have  been pretty messy if Jim and I were both covered in...never mind. 😁


iloveac said...

You might want to check those numbers. I think you made a typo.

Mimi said...

Wow, Pat, you're right! At first, I didn't see what numbers you meant, but up to 139? I don't think I'd ever recover from that. Of course, I meant 130.1. Thanks, Ms. Eagle Eye--you should be my editor!

Mimi said...

But I think I'll leave it as is; comments should be explanatory.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...