Tuesday, October 18, 2022


Walked to The Market, then Ralph's for this and that. I was pleased to run into Irene at the latter; she's my old (actually relatively young; late fifties) Kimball Park walking pal from years ago. We had a nice chat.  

In preparation for Soaring Spirits at 6:00, I got Modelo in cans, in order take one to the Stonefire Grille. They charge five bucks for a can of beer there; I bought twelve cans, same size, 12 ounces, of Modelo for $24.00, including tax, so two dollars each. I'm no math whiz, but even I know Stonefire's are two and a half times more. However, I'll still tip as if I had bought it there.

I had my lunch at the small park near Ralph's, then bused home. Got in at 2:00 and put a wash in, jumped in the shower, then dressed and left for dinner. It was a good group, which included dear Vera, our leader, plus regulars Susan, Gayle, Dennis and newcomers, Danielle, Debbie, and Dayella. I was delighted also to see Amy come in. She hasn't attended for several years, is an artist, and a young widow. Last year, Julie took me to see her at her apartment. 

Dennis is really a sketch. That old joke that disparages somebody's intelligence--"well, it's not rocket science"--always comes to mind because he actually is a rocket scientist. He's involved in the rockets attached to the moon missile which is supposed to go up soon.  He's also somewhat of a character: He's not gay,  but has his toenails painted regularly.  He pays the person seventy-five bucks a month to come to his house and do his nails, fingers and toes. Fingers are not painted, but toes are and his big toes have a different theme every month. Here's the October one--skeleton faces for Halloween:

Anyway, it was great fun talking to him and the others. We're all in various stages of widowhood and are coping with it--or not--in varying degrees. 

Got an announcement about the covered dish at Dudley House coming up next week. As I have for the last several years, I'll ask Jim to go. Not sure what I'll make this year--maybe a dessert this time. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...