Tuesday, October 11, 2022


After breakfast, I put rice in the slow cooker on low, then spent some time on my plays. I want to finish "Christmas At Delaney's," which I think is pretty good and maybe I'll sharpen up "Fatal Family Reunion," which is even better. Then there are the two monologues and a number of other scripts. I'm trying to decide which to send to Angela, which to Shannon, and when. 

I got my Halloween cards written and addressed, then walked to the post office to mail. Ha--I forgot it was Columbus Day, so they weren't open. I had stamped the ones for Tokyo and Singapore, so mailed them. I'll have to go back today to see if it's worth sending Vivian the cute little spider earrings I bought. If postage for that to Hawaii is more than four or five bucks, I'll just send the card.

Had lunch at the park in town. It was very quiet, and I just strolled around for an hour or so, then bused home. Went back to looking at my scripts and poems; it's fun to go back to them after a year or more away, as they seem to have been written by somebody else. Also, it's easier to see where they may need to be revised or cut.  

Went to get the mail and Suzanne was going to get her wash. (The plumbing apparatus for the washer and dryer in her apartment is in place, but the appliances aren't installed yet.) We talked; she told me Mary is back in Holiday Place, as a closer facility couldn't be found that would take her. I brought her up to date on my recent conversations with David, Kay, and Chuck; also invited her for one of our social sessions. I texted Vickie, too, and they'll be here at 5:00 today.

Had a yummy  dinner: fresh salmon, rice, and roasted cauliflower. I found the recipe for the latter online and tried it for the first time. It's very simple, but oh, so good. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...