Monday, October 03, 2022


Sunday crossword was good--challenging, but I got all but one. After breakfast, I decided to go to Barnes & Noble to get a crossword book. I had already been to Target, The Market, and Wal-Mart and they had none. Bused to B & N and found several, but almost all were marked "easy" and that means about third grade level. I finally found one that had "easy," "medium," and "hard" sections and bought that.

As I've been doing lately, I had packed my lunch and ate it in a kind of pocket park at the B & N shopping center, a very small area between Kohl's and Sprouts; got two grapefruit at the latter. After, instead of going home, I went from there into town. Bought two glass jars, then just strolled around a bit. While I was out, Suzanne texted me that she had heard from Vickie that Mary came through the hip surgery well. 

Home at 4:30 and I made some ground turkey meatballs, simmered them with tomatoes and onions, and ate them over sea shell pasta. It was so good, but I must have unknowingly added opium because after I ate, I became very tired. I lay down--this was about 7:00 and I slept for two hours!  

Got up feeling better, was on the laptop until my usual bedtime of 930, read for a bit, then--incredibly--slept well until 6:00. Guess I just needed the extra shut-eye.

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