Monday, October 10, 2022


Considering my inadequate sleep--I calculated only five and a  half--after the show, I resolved to take it easy yesterday.  I didn't walk or go into town; my only excursion was to go over to Von's for veggies and a few other items. On my way back, I ran into David and Kay* and we chatted about our grievances re management. I then saw Chuck, who lives across from me, and we did the same. I was surprised when he told me that Bianca, the manager here, also manages an apartment complex in Camarillo, which is sixteen miles away.  Odd and one wonders how she handles both--badly, I'm afraid.

Home, I scrubbed, trimmed, and seasoned two pounds of carrots, sliced a large onion, and put them together in the slow cooker. I added the "juice" from cooking other vegetables, which I always save and freeze, as a lot of the vitamins and minerals go into that. Had lunch on the patio, while reading Chris Hedges' new book, The Greatest Evil Is War, which I just got from Amazon. I've been reading Hedges for years; he used to live in Princeton, maybe still does, and he is my hero. Along with the Berrigan brothers (I always say I'll go back to the Church the day they're canonized), and several others I follow, he's one of the most important voices crying in the wilderness of military worship.

After that, I lay down and fell sound, sound asleep for--I think--two hours. Got up feeling good, but a little apprehensive about staying asleep for the night. Happily, I did, and just got up at 5:00.

Erica, one of the best in Fractured Actors, sent out an email about going as a group to see and support theatres in the area. Great idea and I wrote back what the theaters in Santa Paula and Ojai are now running or have in the works. 

* The thought crossed my mind that there might possibly be little budding romance there: They seem of similar age--late fifties, early sixties, I think--and both are unattached. They're also of similar build--tall and slender, if that has any significance--so, who knows. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...