Monday, January 25, 2021


I slept through the night again and hope the insomnia period is over for now.  Betty video-message me just as I was about to make breakfast at 8:00, but that was okay. What isn't okay is that she seems to be getting so much worse so rapidly. I know that's to be expected and I should be able to accept it, but I don't.  

Wrote a letter--an actual letter--to David and mailed it on my way to Smart 'n' Final, where I got several staples, including romaine, Brussels sprouts, spaghetti squash, and pretzels.  When I got home, I prepared some of them so they'd be ready to cook and eat. 

Lunch, then I just fooled around on this machine. I'm reading The Blue Nowhere, a crime (murder) novel, but it contains a lot of computer stuff and I'm actually learning something. The main one is that I'm hardly able even to contemplate what hackers do, let alone understand their methods.

Restless as ever on Sundays, I thought I'd walk to the Market. Got my cart and started off, but before I even got to Victoria Avenue, I changed my mind. It had gotten pretty chilly, plus the wind was kicking up again, so I just walked around the neighborhood for a bit and went home.

Ellen called after dinner and we had a good talk. That's enough to raise my spirits and it did. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...