Wednesday, January 27, 2021


Changed sheets, remade bed, did white wash, my usual Tuesday domestic chores. My new activity is more interesting, though: I've again been writing letters. Well, one more yesterday--to my brother, Jim and his family, in Bangkok. I included the pics I had sent brother, Frank, and added one of Ellen's kitties for Therese.

As for the pic of my grandfather, I asked those on a Facebook site, "Photo Restoration Free Service," to improve it a bit--and several of them did. I was thrilled; all were good, but this is probably the best:

Of course, I thanked all those who gave it a shot. I think I'll ask them to do this one, too:
That's my grandmother, Sophia (Bub) Figenshu. I think the little girl is my mother; not sure if the boys are her brothers, but I don't think so, as they were quite a bit older.

I prepared my tomatoes/onions/seasonings roast and popped it in the oven while I seasoned a whole cauliflower for the slow cooker. I had always cut them up, but they seemed a little too mushy that way. I was pleased to see this cooked well and stayed a good texture.

Took my little cart and walked to Smart 'n' Final and Dollar Tree for paper goods and so on. The wind was no problem and I hope it stays away--actually, although somewhat cool, it was a nice sunny day.
After lunch and calling the COVID number to register for the vaccine sixteen thousand times (they don't have any more, anyway), I showered and washed my hair. 

HAPPY HOUR! After some snafus, Nancy, Carolyn, and I connected and had some good talk. Nance had her champagne, of course, Carolyn her bloody Mary, and I the good German beer Greg had given me for Christmas. In fact, I had the last two of them. Because there was some problem with the "recurring meeting" thing, I told the girls that next week, I'd send out a simple Zoom invitations fifteen minutes before 5:00.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...