Sunday, January 24, 2021

Busing Around And David

 In the morning, I took my little cart and walked to Telephone Road, meaning to go to The Market. But when I got there, I saw the number 11 bus coming, so changed my mine, jumped on, and went to Winco. I bought a bonanza of produce: spinach, mushrooms, potatoes, lettuce, and the "California blend" frozen veggies I like. 

After lunch, I bused to town and stopped in a few places. It did rain a bit and I didn't have my umbrella, it was, as I call it, "California rain," a kind of pokey, half-hearted drip, drip, then it's over.

Betty called twice. It's getting harder and harder even to understand what she tells me. She asked if I had seen "Ellen's picture with two men," but I couldn't even figure out if she meant on the television or her iPad. Depressing.   

I was so pleased to get a Christmas card from Dave Perry, my colleague in Rider's Human Resources. We were one of the three managers, of benefits, computer systems, and employment. He and I headed up the last two departments and I'll let the reader guess who was which. Anyway, I got the card yesterday, January 23. It was postmarked December 17, mailed in Philadelphia (Dave and his wife live in Point Pleasant, PA), so it took less than a month to get here--speedy.

Anyway, David has a masters degree from Westminster Choir College, which, as the world knows, was acquired by Rider some years ago. He is an accomplished organist and also, one of those kindred spirits I meet once in a while. We're both infidels (he was brought up a strict Methodist) and we tend to be dogmatic at times; we're cynical, but needy. Anyway, I'm going to write to him and reopen our friendship.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...