Friday, January 22, 2021

Friday In The AM And Thursday

What a night! My smoke alarm starting beeping at 9 am, just for a few seconds. I thought little of it and continued getting ready for bed. I was awakened at 1:44 by more loud, loud, piercing beeps and they've been going on sporadically ever since. Got up at 6:30 and I called the office, leaving a message on the  emergency number. It's now quarter of seven and I hope they come soon.* 

As for yesterday, the electricity went out at 7:03 am, a situation that fills me with dismay. I decided to go over to Von's to see if theirs was on--it was and so  was mine when I got back home. After breakfast, I looked into the Ventura web site, thinking I'd register to get the vaccine, since they're now allowing it for 75+. How naïve of me! All slots are filled, it seems, in all locations, for all eternity. I guess it will open up again when they get more.

Other than the above, it wasn't a bad day. The ferocious winds have gone to Alaska or something and there was barely a breeze yesterday, plus it was very pleasant and sunny. I walked to Ralph's Supermarket down Victoria Avenue for a few little things. Walked partway home and bused the rest.

Made my sandwich and packed my lunch, meeting Jim outside at 1:00. We had our usual far-ranging talk and it was enjoyable. I brought the Enlightenment and we discussed the Enlightenment, plus the influence on modern thought Kant and Hegel had. Those two major philosophers seem to have influenced modern thought profoundly.  We discussed some of the opera singers he likes most.

Of course, we don't talk only about those lofty subjects. Jim has always been thin and so were his parents and I tried to explain what's it like to have a weight problem. We laughed--ruefully--over the fact that he, as an only child, always wanted siblings and that I, one of six and a twin to boot, daydreamed about being the one and only. He stayed until 4:00, we said goodbye, I took my stuff home and immediately set out for the bus to the mall. 

I went to Target to look at an air fryer--I want to check Koh's, too. I'm not absolutely sure I'll buy one and there's the problem of where I'd put it. I have sparse counters and the cabinets are pretty full, too.  Dunno.

*Update: Tory, the maintenance guy, came at 7:00 and replaced the battery in the alarm (of course, it's hooked up to the electric, too). He said that could have been the problem, but if it happens again, he'd come back and replace the alarm.

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