Sunday, January 10, 2021


Suzanne emailed me information on a "summit" by doctors and nutrition professionals at St. John's Medical Center, where she works. It was a kind of one-way seminar, in present time, but not like Zoom, in that others are seen. I was only mildly interested, but thought I'd look in; it started at 9:00 am and was to run until noon. Well, surely it wouldn't hold my interest that long...

...but it did! The speakers extolled a plant-based diet, which I generally follow and I learned a lot of new information. A doctor explained how to read labels, for instance. He said to ignore what's on the front of the box and read what's in it. There were a lot of other good things on there and I called Suzanne to thank her. The hospital also runs a "Walk With The Doc" program, which I'm going to look into. I hope, since it's in the open air, it's still o n-going now.*

Later, I went back to Office Max, walking part of the way, but not the whole 2.5. Got the ink I needed, plus a credit of ten bucks for the used cartridges I turned in. Betty called while I was walking; this time, she seems to think her cleaning person/companion, whom she called "Obama" (although she's Latina, not Black) is menacing her or something. I'll call her today after breakfast.

I started watching Black Swan* last night. Talk about film noir: This fits right into that genre. I only saw the first forty-five or so because there were so many coming attractions. Why don't I fast forward through them? Because I like to observe how they're set up, especially those of movies I've seen. 

*One of the many coincidences with which life abounds: I had never seen Natalie Portman, the star, in anything else. Just looked her up and found that she's vegan, so her diet is totally plant-based. Must be a sign!!!!  😁

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...