Tuesday, January 05, 2021


After breakfast, I dry-mopped, then wet-mopped the hard floors, using the Bona system. Threw the bath rugs in the wash, along with the tub mat and everything was easily cleaned.

I was delighted to have manager Bianca answer my telephone request for a lease without the slightest hesitation: "Yes, I'll email it to you; do you want a nine or thirteen-month?" I opted for 13 and await the lease.

Jim called and, having figured out the electronic part of his students' class work with the help of the college's system person, said he'd be available for lunch today. Good, I'll see him at 1:00 and will Zoom Nancy at 5:00 for our first virtual Happy Hour. Oops, that means I'll have beer at lunch and wine at 5:00, so two alcoholic beverages in one day, but hell, I can live dangerously once in awhile. 

Went to Von's for lettuce and picked up some Cabernet Sauvignon; I'm getting to like the reds and I'll drink that for H.H. Also got those big white mushrooms I like roasted so much.

Betty called and, happily, she seem much calmer and less anxious. She also remembered that I'm not able to come see her now. Before, she had called to ask "when are you coming?" (I'm grasping at straws here, I know.)

After lunch, I hopped the bus to town and picked up the book I had requested: Magic.  I loved the movie and I think, but am not sure, I read the book years ago. Stopped in a few places and got two more DVDs. Didn't get home until almost 6:00; it was dark, but I got the 10 from the transit center, which lets me off right in front of my apartment complex.

Yesterday was my brother Frank's 86th birthday and here he is, impossibly young,  as a Holy Spirit graduate in 1952:

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...