Tuesday, January 19, 2021


I'm feeling better. For one thing, I slept better and for another, it wasn't Sunday. After breakfast, I got my cart from the patio, preparing to walk to Smart 'n' Final, when Suzanne opened her door. She asked if I was in a hurry, or might want to sit and talk for a bit. Sure, and we did.

I'm still puzzled as to what seems Suzanne's extreme apprehension about COVID. Since she works at St. John's, she has gotten the vaccine, but she still keeps her mask on while sitting ten feet away from me outside. She repeated "I don't want to give the virus to anyone." What?  First, she doesn't have the virus and second, she got the vaccine. I'm sure she doesn't mean it to be, but this seems an example of that useful new phrase, "virtue-signaling." 

Anyway, she insisted on giving me two bottles of my favorite Blue Moon (Belgian White beer). She said someone had given them to her. I'm not sure why they would, as she doesn't drink, but hey, that was nice of her and I'll crack one open during virtual Happy Hour today.

After we chatted, I walked to S 'n' N for eggs and produce, including a tuber. The cashier asked what is was we laughed when I said I really wasn't sure! I think it's a rutabaga and I know I like them. Also bought several pieces of tilapia, which I separated, seasoned, and wrapped for the freezer.  

After lunch, I bused downtown;  Main Street might be renamed "Ghost Town," I'm afraid--many shops closed, some for good, and few shoppers. Didn't get home until almost 6:00. Called Ellen and we had an enjoyable talk. She and Greg were both off, for a change, which was nice for them. 

1 comment:

iloveac said...

Suzanne is wearing her mask to protect mostly YOU. She could still be carrying the virus. You can still contract the virus and pass it on to someone else...even if you've had the vaccine...both doses.
The vaccine doesn't protect one from getting the virus...it works by stimulating one's immune system to suppress the virus. You may still get the virus but it will greatly reduce your infection/illness. Until we get herd immunity the virus is still out there and deadly for some patients. Once herd immunity is reached..the virus will die off.
BTW, if I had the test yesterday.....I could still get the virus right after I was tested. Too many folks think they were tested a month ago and because it was negative...they remain so.
I wish this would all go away....but it'll be quite a while.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...