Sunday, January 17, 2021

Stakes And Sleep

Walked to Wal-Mart after breakfast to get the sleep aid I've been taking for 25 years and stakes for the daisy plant. They had the first, but not the second, nor did they have the nylon bag I used almost daily, which I have lost. Went from there to the Green Thumb nursery and got six stakes; considered the heat (middle eighties) and bused home. 

Niece Carolyn texted me, asking if I was available at 5:00 today for Facetime with Betty and her. Yes, indeed, but I asked if we could make it Messenger, so it could be on the bigger screen.  

After lunch, I fooled around a bit on the laptop, then took off for the mall. I was planning to visit the little shop across from it, which I knew was open only on Saturdays. That is, it used to be, but when I got there, the sign said "temporarily closed because of the pandemic."

Went down to Target and got blueberries, then stopped at Trader Joe's. I found some bite-sized Trader Joe's crackers and some vegan hummus (well, I guess it all is); bought them just for a change when I snack during my movie.

Betty called, then Facetimed, to show me the bow her daughter-in-law, a costumer, sent her. I started watching Kill Bill, a pretty bad movie (by Tarantino, what would you expect?), which I may or may not quit watching and leave at the little lending library.

Again had trouble sleeping--i.e., getting back to sleep --last night, I'm afraid. Didn't get up until 7:15. At 5:00 pm yesterday, it was eighty-six degrees and it's now 70 already. Nice and warm, all right.  I'm fortunate in that my apartment stays comfortably cool; I haven't gotten the fan out since summer. 

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