Monday, January 11, 2021

Sunday, Steve Jobs, And Sleep

Considering it was Sunday, my least favorite, it turn out to be pretty enjoyable. Completed one of my major pleasures, the big crossword, then got a Facetime call from Betty. She seemed in much better spirits and we had a good virtual visit. 

Left after for the market, where I stocked up a bunch of stuff, including a two-pound bag of kidney beans, onions, and romaine. On my way home, Ellen called just to chat and we talked for about 45 while I was still wending my way home; we didn't hang up until I was in living room.

After lunch, I did some food prep: prepared a spaghetti squash and put some of my beans in the slow cooker with "veggie juice" from cooking and seasonings. Chopped five onions--two to put in with the beans and the others to freeze for later.

I got into Jay Ziebart's website, Plant Based for Life and asked that she send me the packet--I think recipes and so on--from the "summit" on Saturday.

Did some computer stuff, then went out. I thought I'd bus to town, but by that time, it was almost 4:00, so I changed my mind and just took a walk. I no sooner got back in then my cousin, Sally, called. She lives near San Diego, was a marathon runner until she turned 80 (she's now 86), but nevertheless, recently had heart surgery,  Sally was adopted by my Aunt Marie, my mother's only sister, and I've known her for as long as I can remember. We talked for an hour and enjoyed it. Interestingly, both her sons work for Apple, Duane an engineer there for 30 years. Sally said her boys had taken her to a party for Apple employees, and introduced her to Steve Jobs. 

I hadn't picked up my mail on Saturday, did yesterday, and found a Christmas card from my nephew, Patrick and his wife, Susan. They still have my Jersey address and it took this long to forward it. I enjoyed seeing the pics of their four kids and hearing their news. Send her a message on Facebook of thanks.

Darn, for the first time in months, I had trouble sleeping. Awoke at 1:15 for the usual, but couldn't get back. I made the fatal mistake of getting up for a time to look on this infernal device and that really put the kibosh on it. Finally drifted off and didn't get up until 7:30.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...