Saturday, January 09, 2021

My Results And My Lease

Rosemary Molloy

Result Date

Wednesday, January 6th 2021

Testing Provider

COVID-19 Testing - Ventura County

Tested for:CoronavirusTest name:COVID-19 Thermo PCR, SwabResult:Negative 

Patient Name:rosemary molloyDate of Birth:12/21/1936Address:(Address), VENTURA, CADate Accessed:01/08/2021 10:10 AM Specimen Date:01/06/2021 12:25 PM

Your COVID-19 test was NEGATIVE, which means that the test found no evidence that you were infected with the COVID-19 virus.


Well, there was that and as for the weight thing, I was 126.2 at home, a gain of .04 and 126.5 at T.O.P.S., a gain of .03, so inconsequential for both.

After breakfast, I went to Office Max for black ink. I had intended walk just to Telephone Road, then get a bus the rest of the way, but I got impatient waiting for one. It was a beautiful sunny day, so I walked all the way (2.5), then caught a bus back.

As planned, I Zoomed Carolyn B. at 2:00--as a test drive, so to speak, and it turned out well, Although Carolyn is only in her fifties, she hasn't gone off her property for a full year. She has some "issues," including a vision problem, but I can never understand what exactly they are. Her grown son and daughter live with her and maybe that's one of the issues. However, it was good to see and talk to her and since she, Nancy, and I made up the original actual Happy Hour trio, I invited her to our virtual one on Tuesday at 5:00.

Lunched, then walked to the Hill Street branch of the library to pick up a book I had requested. I forgot it was closed on Friday, but I didn't mind the extra two miles.

I finally got the lease for my apartment, after calling Bianca to find she had left the "e" out of my email address. She corrected it and send the lease, an incredible 58 pages. I just had to electronically sign and initial by clicking here and there. Sent it back and now can rest easy that I won't be getting a rent increase for 13 months, anyway. I did get frustrated with some technical problems; couldn't print it, called Ellen, and she said nobody prints things now, just put it in documents, which I did. I have to go back to Office Max to get blue ink, which is why the printer won't print, I guess.

Betty called just as I was starting dinner. I was tired and didn't feel like talking to her, so I cut it short. One of those who come in for companionship, Mary, whom I know and like, was there and I enjoyed talking to her for a bit.

Made turkey stir-fry for dinner, which I can describe it with a word I never hear now, but which my mother used for really good food: SCRUMPTIOUS!

1 comment:

Molloy・モロイ said...

Do you really want to publish your address on a public blog?


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...