Saturday, September 14, 2019

Out And About

Out and about all day.
Cheryl picked me up for T.O.P.S.  and, annoyingly, I weighed in at 132.6, an incredible two plus pounds over what I did at the doctor's on Thursday--and I was wearing exactly the same clothes. I'm beginning to think the T. scale weighs heavy, which a lot of members believe, although it's probably fatty paranoia.
Left there and walked to the transit center, about five blocks away, to catch the 9:43 bus for Santa Barbara. Got to Betty's at the usual 11:30 and shortly after, we sashayed down to The Natural Cafe. Had lunch, then Betty and I played Sorry!, a game for six-year-olds, until Carolyn joined us. She  persuaded me to go to nephew Steve's fiftieth birthday party in L.A. next Saturday, as she had arranged for us to stay in an AirBnB and we'll share the cost. She'll drive, so sure, I'll go.
I left on the 2:20 bus back to Ventura, got in about 3:35, and home at 4:00. I quickly found a gift bag for Ellen's present (a succulent in a pretty container), then had time to walk over to Von's for salmon, which was on sale.
El picked me up at 5:15 and we went to Steven's Greek Restaurant, Greg meeting us there. Had a good dinner of stuffed grape leaves, and a Stella (beer) and, as ever, good talk with the two of them. Home at 7:00 after an enjoyable, but somewhat strenuous day.
Forgot to mention yesterday that I also got a flu shot when I was at the doctor's.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...