Monday, September 09, 2019

Internet Out

I was on the phone this morning for 39 minutes trying to get Internet access. I'm now waiting for a technician to call to come here, I guess. Why I'm able to be here on the blog, I can't understand. Actually, I don't think it will last or I'll be able to post, anyway. Frustrating., AT
Now, 2:37, I'm at the Hill Street branch of the library. I hardly remember what I did yesterday, Sunday, aside from take the bus to town, visit a few stores there, then take out yet another book from the library. Home to stir-fry my ground turkey/onions/peppers dinner.
The only notable event: Ellen called and we made a date for Friday for her, Greg, and me to go to dinner at Steven's the Greek restaurant. I also got her a little present. Send nephew Steve a check for his birthday; he's having a big party, but it's in L.A. and I'll love to attend, but don't see how I can.
Okay, I don't know when I'll get into my computer at home, so this could be the last for a time.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...