Sunday, September 08, 2019

Another Party

Considering where Suzanne and I went on Friday, I was amused at what a Facebook friend posted below. (I don't know why I can't remove the white spaces above and below.)Image may contain: 1 person
I did a lot of errands, arrangements, and so on yesterday and I'm sick of them. It's hard to believe I used to care for a house, a husband and four children; work full-time; attend college part-time; and take care of our financial and social dealings without breaking a sweat. Funnily, I can't even remember most of what I did in the morning--they must not have been so sonorous after all.
I was happy to get a text from Shannon, saying she'd pick me up for the party at 4:30, so I was able to cancel my Access Van ride. Went for blueberries, lettuce, and other things. I bought a nice succulent plant for Dean, the birthday boy (his fortieth), filled out a card, put them in a nice gift bag, showered, dressed, and was ready for the party.
Shannon picked me up and we drove to Santa Paula in plenty of time to get in before the birthday boy. A lot of the rest of the American Roadhouse cast were there and it was great fun to see them again. Dean got in, we all shouted "surprise" and it was good.I enjoyed talking to everybody again. Vera was there, too, with her boyfriend, James, who's the director of the band. He gave me a big hug; Vera later talked to me about the possibility of James renting my car for a month before I sell it. I'd be agreeable to that, so gave him my card and he'll get in touch.
Shannon had mentioned she didn't want to stay too long and that was fine by me. We stayed to sing "Happy Birthday" and watch Dean blow out all forty candles on the cake, then left soon after. Got home before 8:00 having enjoyed the outing a lot.

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