Wednesday, September 04, 2019


Finally forced myself to get some practical things done (I'm the world's most notorious procrastinator): changed the sheets and did a load of whites with them; finally looked through the pile of paper on my desk and dealt with some financial stuff; straightened out some long-standing minor problems; sent a check to Tony C., my Jersey landscaper; and otherwise cleared up some things. Is there more? Oh, yes, there's always more, damn it.
Betty called and we had long talk. As ever, she seems eerily like her old self until she doesn't. Then she seems like a rather tiresome child. She's coming home from Chicago on Friday and I said I'd go up to Santa Barbara on Tuesday for lunch.
I subscribe to Reminisce magazine and have for years.  I'm not really interested in it, but I want to submit a piece I wrote on Aunt Maggie and haven't gotten around to it. I must do that soon. Anyway, it's very inexpensive--ten bucks a year and that includes a gift subscription to somebody else. I used to have it sent to Betty, but I know she doesn't read much anymore, so the last few years, I've sent it to Nancy. I called her to see if she really wanted it and she doesn't. She listens to books on tape almost exclusively, just as I read only books, as a rule. Think I'll see if Diane wants it.
Speaking of which, I emailed her and the other two to see if they 'd switch back to Wednesdays for Happy Hour, which both Nancy and I prefer. We'll see.
Went to Ralph's, Smart 'n' Final, and a few other places for salad dressing, blueberries, bag clips, bread, and stuff. then to the post office to send a card. By the time I got home, it was too late to take the bus to town, so I didn't get a walk in, but I will today.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...