Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Widder Lunch

Walked Kimball. Back at my complex, I passed the recycle place and was pleased to notice that most of the flower pots and other things were gone. After breakfast, I busied myself with various, including putting some of my pendents on new chains.  Also rearranged, re-packaged, and cleared out the stuff on the shelf in the--well, I guess it's supposed to be a coat closet, as it;s in the hall, but I have my full-sized filing cabinet in it, instead. Left for the Stone Fire Grille and the widder lunch at 11:00, getting the bus down Victoria to Telephone, but walked from there, a bit more than a mile.
There were only nine of us yesterday; leader Vera is in the Dominican Republic with her church missionary group and others were working. I was surprised not to see Nancy.  Carolyn said she had called to say she wasn't going, but Carolyn didn't ask why. I sat at the end with her, Anne, Gayle, and Pam, all favorites of mine and, interestingly, all about the same age--upper fifties.  I often forget how old I actually am, especially with these gals.
Had a Cobb salary and my usual Chief Peak IPA and lots of laughs. Left about 1:45 and got a bus to the mall and Target. Looked for jeans, but didn't see any I liked or that I thought would fit properly. I did buy gardening gloves and a cute little stone with "tomatoes" painted on it.
Home and put shorts on, as it was very warm. I toyed with the idea of going to the pool, but it was comfortable in the apartment and I didn't feel like putting on my suit.
After dinner, I drove out to get blueberries. Went to two stores, my usuals, and neither had blueberries! This was a disaster, as I have to have at least 12 (but preferably 18) ounces of blueberries while I watch Frazier. Luckily, I had some in the freezer (as well as cherries). I also had grapes and  baked apples, so made do with those.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...