Monday, April 01, 2019


I set out to walk Kimball at my usual 7am. Unfortunately, the sun was so strong in going east, as I have to in order to get to the park, I was afraid to continue. I turned back, figuring I'd go later, but I  didn't get there until 4:00.
After breakfast, I sliced up tomatoes and added onions, plus the leftover onion marinade and Italian spice. Cored and otherwise prepared five apples and put both batches in the oven. Boy, did they turn out great; I think the roasted tomatoes were about the best I've made.
I then did what I've been meaning to for a few months: get the garden in shape. (Okay, it's actually a patio, but plenty big enough for me.) I took all the pots and other containers off the shelving thing and out of the large containers I had and separated out which I wanted to take. I washed the shelving and the other things I'll keep, and put all the "to go" items in my smaller cart. Along with a large picnic basket I had used as a container and the big square basket my ficus had come in, plus other items, I trundled them all down to the trash/recycle area. Threw some away and lined the others up on the ledge. Residents use this as a place to put usable items, in case others might want them, a very sensible system.
Had lunch, then drove to town. I was feeling a little low and at loose ends, although it was a lovely sunny day in the upper seventies. Sundays seem to effect me that way, I don't know why.  I meant to park at the museum and walk, but just drove around a bit, then went to Wal-Mart, and picked up some trifling items. Took my BP there and it was 103/65 with a pulse rate (?) of 74, which I'm pretty sure is okay.
I had had a problem with the television before I went to bed on Saturday night, so rang Suzanne's bell when I got home from the park. She came over, tried to fix it, couldn't, and I called Yandoo, the service we have. I was on the phone for almost an hour, trying this and that the guy suggested. It turned out that Suzanne had exactly the same problem. After this, that, and the other crapola, the guy said to unplug, then re-plug; we each did, and that did the trick.
Had some good salmon for dinner, along with several vegetables. Betty called and we had a chat. She gets her new glasses today.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...