Thursday, April 18, 2019

HH, AD, And Jim

Due to sun, I walked the neighborhood. Went out for produce after breakfast and finally found blueberries at Target, of all places. Stopped into Cricket and was happy to find Amanda; I consulted her charging questions (let it get down to 15 percent).
Betty called to tell me her house has sold--already, though it's been on the market only two weeks--for $375,000, close to the asking price. She has a small mortgage, but will realize a nice piece of change. I congratulated her and texted Carolyn, who promptly called me and we had a long talk. Betty called again to ask if I had picked up her credit cards, but as we spoke, she saw them on the table.
Here's something that worrys me: I had forgotten that I had the widder group dinner on Monday and yesterday, I emailed Nancy, Carolyn, and Diane to see if they could go to Happy Hour earlier because I had the advance directive program at 5:30 and would have to leave early to take the bus. After they agreed to 3:30 instead of 4:00, I found the info I had cut out of the paper: The program was not at the hospital, but the museum, only a short walk away--damn! As it turned out, I was late, as I had gotten a bus which stopped for most of the student body of Ventura, so double damn.
However, we had a great time at Cafe Fiore. I ordered only a beer and nibbled the pretzels set out, as I knew there'd be food at the museum. We talked happily and decided on the Crown Plaza for next week's H.H.
I left about 4:45 and strolled to the museum. Lots of people there and I was pleased to see a catering truck in the parking lot and serving tables in the courtyard.  As I was picking up brochures, I was even more pleased to run into Jim Crowley there.  Poor guy, he always seems so lost--doomed to stand forever to stare hungrily at life's banquet and never partake.   
Anyway, we sat together and, as it turned out, spent the evening together. The talk was excellent and I'm going to fill out the AD form, although I already have the ten-year-old one from Jersey. A lot of that info has changed, so I think it's better to have a newer one.
After, we had some good food in the courtyard and sat chatting for a bit. I had just about decided to skip the the Dudley House potluck, but it then occurred to me to ask Jim if he wanted to go. He did and so we did.
When we walked in, I was surprised that it was sparsely attended; I'm not sure why, as all the others I've attended were much more crowded. Anyway, we were greeted enthusiastically by Shari, her husband, Ken, Jan, Diana, Lynne, and several others, delighted to see us. The food was still out and I had some pasta, plus a nice glass of Chardonnay. Jim, I was pleased to see, filled his plate, then did the same at the dessert table.
The program was nice and short, but rambling--I'm not even sure exactly the topic, but it was done by an aging actor:
What's funny is, I'll bet my fellow docents think Jim and I are an item--ha! I have no idea even if he's gay or straight--he seems simply unsexual to me, although that's unlikely. Anyway, I enjoy being with him and we had a fine time yesterday and I got a ride home to boot. Didn't get in until almost 9:00 and shockingly, didn't set the alarm and slept until 6:30. What's more, I didn't even make an attempt to walk Kimball or anywhere else--so there! 


iloveac said...

When I first looked I thought Jim was the guy in the photo. Glad it was clarified.

Mimi said...

Oh,no, although Jim is no Adonis, either.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...