Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Mundane Monday

It wasn't overcast, but downright foggy yesterday morning, when I walked Kimball. Didn't do much of note and it was sort of a pokey day. Stripped the bed, made fresh, and washed the linens. Went here and there for this and that, including the Green Thumb Nursery and Lowe's. I want to plant a quick-growing flowering vine and train it on a trellis, but can't decide which kind.
Betty called and I'll see her today. I called brother Frank and we had a nice--if a little whifty--chat.
At the library book sale, I had bought a large, showy book on "The Best Hotels In the World." Since son Mike and his family stay at some of the best, I thought they'd like to check it out. I wrapped it with another picture-filled book on California, hoping to entice them to come here.
Walked to the post office, but did I send it? Hell, no--I asked to be told the postage first and it added up to sixty-seven bucks and change! Well, they'll have to look at them when I see them, whenever that will be.
Suzanne stopped in when I got home. She's going to a Road Scholar outing in Santa Fe next month and asked if I'd take her to the Sheraton to catch the shuttle, then pick her up there on the way back. Of course, I'll be glad to; it leaves at 6 am, so we should probably get there by 5:30, which is no prob. She gets back in the afternoon, so that's fine, too.
Betty called twice more, first, to tell me her phone had died, but then was fixed.  The next call was to give me the news that her house in Ventnor, which been on the market just a week or so, was shown four times and got an offer of $340,000 (she's asking three-ninety). That seems a good sign.

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