Friday, April 19, 2019

Humour & Drama Toastmasters

As I mentioned, I purposely didn't set the alarm and didn't walk, Kimball or otherwise. I needed to concentrate on my Toastmasters talk, as I hadn't even started to write it, let alone memorize it.
Stayed in until after lunch and got it done ("What Not To Say When You Don't Know What To Say"), pegging it in the 3-to-5 minute range.
Got two calls from Betty, one from Carolyn, and placed a call to Ellen to firm up plans for the weekend. Frank and company will be there on Saturday, so we can go either day--I'm leaning toward Saturday, but either is okay. Send an email to Jim about the Access Van, which I've discovered is free for those over 75. Wow, that's great news and another tilt in the direction of giving up my car.
I had to finally get out after finishing my talk, so took the bus to town and walked a slightly expanded loop, probably two miles, then stopped back at the library to pick up BTK, Unholy Messenger, about serial killer Dennis Rader, of Wichita. Home, had dinner (a mediocre Lean Cuisine; didn't have time for more), changed, and set off for Toastmasters at The Lexington.
As usual, Humor & Drama was sparsely attended--there are only nine members, according to Fern; seven were there--but it was reasonably entertaining. My talk went over well (it was timed at five minutes, 27 seconds) and was evaluated highly. (Since John C. was the evaluator, that was probably inflated; he tends to "over appreciate," you might say.) The other speaker was Karen R., a guest from Poinsettia Toastmasters whom I've met before. She's an artist and was a United Airlines flight attendant.
A break for refreshments (I had crackers and hummus--very tasty), then it ended at 8:30. I'm not crazy about being out late two nights in a row, but I'm glad that's over with. I walked out with Joy, a new member, who's working on her doctorate and is very anxious to get employment in academia. She knows I was manager of employment at Rider and we talked about her strategy for achieving her aim. It was fun to step back into career counseling and I'll see if I can pull together some effective guidelines.
Am now looking forward to Easter at Carolyn's and seeing brother Frank.


iloveac said...

Would love to know what to say when I don't know what to say. Can you share some of your points?
My friend George uses Access Link every day to go to the gym. He's very pleased with it. I think he said one needs a physician's statement as to why one needs it....not sure. George is visually impaired.

Mimi said...

Access van: Disabled people and those over 65 both take the van, but here, anyone over 75 can take it FREE OF CHARGE, just as they do the city bus. I had been paying the $3, but just found out about the 75+ benefit. This goes a long way to considering giving up my car. For
As for the talk: I'll send you an email later (off to T.O.P.S. now) and fill you in.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...