Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Hard Floors And Blueberries

Set out for Kimball, but again the sun was so blinding, I turned back. To compensate, I joined Diane for exercise at Silvercrest--that's a good workout.  However, since Kimball is on my way home, I walked it then anyway, after exercise.  Stopped at Grocery Outlet, but they didn't have any fresh blueberries, either. I did buy three pounds of frozen there (but see later).
I had been meaning to do the hard floors and area rugs and finally got around to it. It really doesn't take that long and isn't terribly difficult, but I'm such a slug, I always have to talk myself into it. It entails first going over the floors with the dusting/sweeping cloth which velcrosed onto the mop head, then spraying with the Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner and, with the scrubbing pad, also velcroed on, going over it again. I then put the pads (specially made for this) with all the bath and kitchen area rugs and haul them to the laundry place to wash.  I don't put any of that in the dryer, but spread them out on the patio in the sun to dry them. I leave them overnight so they're thoroughly dry.
After lunch, I went to the podiatrist's office (my appointment's on Friday) to leave off my paperwork. After, I had the car washed at Five Points. Stopped at a store to look for blueberries and happy day, they had them, so I bought four containers. Also picked up mango slush and some small yogurts. Thought I'd vary my usual formula and have frozen fruit and yogurt last night. I did and it was delish.

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