Thursday, April 25, 2019

H.H. And C.B.

Walked Kimball.  After breakfast, as planned, I stripped the bed, took the sheets and virtually all my whites to the laundry place, and set them to wash with bleach. While they were drying (takes 45 minutes), I walked over to Von's for Rhomaine.
When I got home, Suzanne rang my bell and came in to chat. She showed me a picture of a church in Red Rock, Arizona, that's actually hewed out of the rock. We discussed Frank and Betty and I voiced my outrageous "the zombie and Little Miss Mental." She howled and so did I. After all, what's the alternative? Screaming in agony at what my siblings are becoming? Vowing you'll do anything to change it when there's nothing to be done? Contemplating the future when I may be there myself?
Anyway, we moved on to my garden and other topics. She left, I got my clothes from the dryer, had lunch, then jumped in the shower and dressed to go to Happy Hour with Carolyn B. (Carolyn G. is my niece and there are several others in my life.)
We went to Casa Bella and had an enjoyable time. I was taken aback when she asked if I'd consider going to the west coast Toastmasters Contest the weekend after next. It's usually held in Vegas, but this time is in Oxnard, just fifteen minutes from here. I actually did consider it, although I'm not much interested in Toastmasters now. If it wasn't for Fern, I'd probably drop Humor & Drama, as I did the Poinsettia chapter.
I considered it, that is, until she said it would be $140 for registration, plus $180 for half of the hotel room. We're talking three hundred twenty bucks for something I'm not enthusiastic about in the first place. I said I'd let her know, but I'm sure it won't be in the affirmative.
We did have some good talk, although she still seems just "off" somehow, in so many very subtle ways. We stayed until 5:30, then she walked me the few blocks to the library; I had seen a book on the media and Trump--Media Madness--I wanted to pick up after Happy Hour, and I did.
After, I walked back along Main. Stopped into a shop and saw a great, framed picture I had to have for my kitchen. Bought it and I'll pick it up today.
Diane had asked if I wanted to go to exercise today, then walk. Yes, indeed, and I'll get there at 10. Stella called, once again at the last minute; I said I'd call her today to see if we could meet to walk, but frankly, she's getting to be a pain in the ass. El called, back from San Luis Obispo, to thank me for feeding Sebastian. Gregg has a doctor's appointment, so she dropped him off in SB; will pick him up today.


iloveac said...

It's got to be so awful to see what's happening to Frank and Betty. I remember learning that illness never effects just the patient...the whole family is effected. (Did I use 'effect' correctly?). I can never remember. Anyhow, you are experiencing exactly what that means. The pain of watching a loved one decline like that is real. It's a loss that needs to be mourned...loss? Yes, a loss of the vibrant brother and sister you once knew. It's one of the small deaths until the final one. And DAMN it's painful. Stay busy as you are doing, but take time to 'feel the pain'.

Mimi said...

The worst part is not the memory loss or odd behavior--it's much more fundamental, as if the essence of them are gone. It's so hard to grasp that, especially because a lot of the time (with Betty, not so much with Frank) they seem like their old selves. Thank you for your comment, Pat; I know you understand.
(But, oh dear, I'm afraid it should be "affected" in this context. Sorry!)

iloveac said...

Thanks RBM...I always mix them up..


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...