Friday, April 05, 2019

Over In Oxnard

Walked Kimball and was about to make breakfast when Nancy called. She's very much concerned about a mutual friend of ours (as am I), and told me about the latest alarm. The friend has driven certain places in Ventura many times in the last year or so, but still doesn't remember turns and so on. Her comments are invariably negative and she seems to have a kind of paranoia, very much like people I know with beginning dementia. That would be lamentable enough at Nancy's and my ages, but this person is in her fifties. We're very concerned and discussed how we might be able to help. Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, that is going to be very difficult.
After breakfast, I scrubbed and cut up two pounds of carrots, added some tangerines, and installed them in the slow cooker. Finally looked into "Traffic School" and signed up for an on-line course. This is a scam, pure and simple, designed to put more money into the county coffers.
I was pleased to get an e-mail from Jim C., associate provost at Rider, whom I saw when I was in Jersey in November. He will retire in June and he and his wife will eventually move to California; I'm not sure where. Anyway, he wrote to see if we could get together in July. I immediately wrote back and suggested we meet in L.A. for lunch, as I do with Susan. Yes, indeed, he responded, so we'll do that. Jim is a lawyer and also has a doctorate. His daughter is a poet and I'll send for her book I'm Not Your Final Girl.  Stopped at Barnes & Noble to see if they had it, but it's self-published, so no. I was able to see her first poem called, believe it or not, "Rosemary" on Amazon. Went from B & N to Sprouts and got fresh swordfish and salmon, plus grapes.
It was overcast and chilly all day, with a little rain here and there; that alone is enough to make me unhappy.  At loose ends,  I decided to skip going in to town in favor taking the three buses to Oxnard. Went to The Collection, to see Ellen's fiancee, Greg, but wouldn't you know? He was off yesterday. However, I strolled around and stopped in Target for kitchen sponges, then sat at the bus stop for a good 45 minutes. Called Ellen and we had a nice chat.
I had considered finally going to the Open Mic Poetry Group last night, but decided to wait until the weather warms up. Got home about 5:30 and had the salmon for din-din.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...