Saturday, April 27, 2019

T.O.P.S. And Not Much Else

Walked Kimball. Home, dressed, and went to T.O.P.S. I was up a pound and an ounce--to 130.6--but I'm not concerned about it. I didn't stay for the meeting. I just could not face another aimless, boring session, so I fibbed a bit and said I had to meet someone at 10. Okay, I lied in my teeth, so shoot me. After breakfast, I headed out for provisions. I was horrified that I had to resort to canned string beans to go with my salmon on Thursday. I don't even like string beans--and canned? Ugh! I'm not sure why I had them in the cupboard, but any port in a storm...
Went out and got blueberries, lettuce, mushrooms, mango mash, and three pounds of carrots. I then prepared the latter and two large zucchini I already had, added some seasoning and other items, and set them to simmer in my two slow cookers.
Betty called to say she had talked to our brother, Jim, and they agreed they should have done with their houses what I did with mine--rent it out, instead of selling. I told her the circumstances were entirely different: mine is in an over-55 community, is not near the beach, and is fifty years newer than hers, plus there are other factors. Anyhow, we did have a nice enough chat. I told her I'd see her Tuesday and asked her if she remembered what time I get there. She promptly said, "11:30"; it's a good sign that she remembered.
Had lunch and did this and that on the laptop. I actually considered skipping my town walk, but didn't--went about 3:15, later than usual. It was chilly, damp, and overcast, my least favorite weather, so I just did an abbreviated walk. Called Ellen while I was waiting for the bus home and was delighted when she offered to come over and dig the hole for my new plant. We'll go to lunch, too--what a treat.
Had a yummy dinner of raw (well, I cooked them) jumbo shrimp, the carrots, and the zucchini.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...