Sunday, January 14, 2018

Still The Usual Everyday...

It was much warmer when I walked Kimball and later in the day, actually got up to 83 degrees.  Right after breakfast, I went to stores and stocked up on salad fixings, veggies, and fruit, both frozen and fresh. Came home to prepare several of them.
After lunch, I went to town for the usual. Lots of people strolling around and, for some reason, I felt a little lonely.  When I got to the library, I looked up Faulkner's As I lay Dying. Why? Because my Facebook friend, Nancy W., and I got into a book discussion and she just finished it. I read it years ago and dipped into it at the library to refresh my memory.  I found it just as boring yesterday as I had decades ago.
I called my friend, Carole, and left her a message. For some unknown reason, she had sent me a three-page letter--or something--via regular mail with a note attached reading "Loved this-so true-enjoy!" I'm having a hard time deciding what in the world to say to her. This thing is one of those cliche-ridden, supposed-to-be-profound, moronic "inspirational" messages that are the worst thing about Facebook. It references getting older, with all the smarmy ideas and advice that makes me want to turn the air blue with vulgarities.  I never, never, under any circumstances, pass them on electronically or any other way.  Anyway, guess I'll have to soften my reaction when I talk to Carole.
I was pleased to get a call from Ellen, just to say hello, and we talked for a half hour or so. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...