Monday, January 01, 2018

Last Day of the Year

Darn, I awoke much too early yesterday--4:45, for the usual reason. Thought about going back until the alarm went off at 5:15, but got up.  I got to Kimball early and it continues to be chilly (but not compared to the east coast), but walked my walk and it was okay.
After breakfast and the crossword, I took a stab at separating some of the Christmas stuff--to keep and to donate. I had bought some large decorative Christmas stamps at a boutique, went to Michael's for red ink pad, intending to make my own cards for a few people, along with original verses that would be directed to them only.  Well, damn, after the fire, Alameda, and so on, I never did it. Okay, I'll save them for next year.
Since Vera had said the widder group would meet at Sizzler, I looked them up. I wasn't nuts about their menu--in fact, it wasn't an actual menu, just listings without prices, of things I don't eat. They do have a big salad bar, but that doesn't thrill me and I'm sure as hell not paying fourteen bucks for it, plus drink. I looked up reviews on Yelp and found a few favorable  and a lot of negative ones.
Went to WinCo and bought rockfish; seasoned some when I got home and froze them, keeping the rest for dinner.  Had my salad for lunch, then took off for town.
Lots of people on Main Street, I suppose to bring in the new year or something. Read a bit at the library, then looked at my phone. I found that Mike had put on Facebook a video of the fireworks they saw in Amsterdam. It was fun to see the girls and hear them oohing and aahing.
On my way back to the car, I stopped at the park and called Nancy to see if she's going to the widder lunch today.  She isn't and she said she didn't like Sizzler anyway. Well, I'll go and take my honey bell tangerines if I don't see something I like.
Met Suzanne at our doors; she said she was going to a birthday party. Also said someone had given her "eggnog wine."  What? Did she mean actual eggnog or wine with eggnog flavor, which sounds revolting to me?  She wasn't sure, but invited me to share it something. Sure thing, good neighbor!
I'm on a mushroom kick and cut up three different kinds, which I sauteed for dinner. I have some left
over and will heat them up to eat with my fish tonight.
So it's 2018.  I have no deep philosophical thoughts about that, but will just say I hope I'm as active, healthy, and happy as I was last year. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...